Source code for slycat.hdf5

# Copyright (c) 2013, 2018 National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC . Under the terms of Contract
# DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government
# retains certain rights in this software.

import h5py
import numbers
import numpy
import os
import slycat.darray
import cherrypy

[docs]class DArray(slycat.darray.Prototype): """Slycat darray implementation that stores data in an HDF5 file.""" def __init__(self, storage): self._storage = storage self._metadata = self._storage.get("metadata", None) if self._metadata is None: self._metadata = self._storage.attrs self._attributes = None @property def ndim(self): """Return the number of dimensions in the darray. Returns ------- ndim: integer The number of dimensions in the darray. """ return len(self._metadata["dimension-names"]) @property def shape(self): """Return the darray shape (its size along each dimension). Returns ------- shape: tuple of integers The size of the darray along each dimension. """ return tuple([end - begin for begin, end in zip(self._metadata["dimension-begin"], self._metadata["dimension-end"])]) @property def size(self): """Return the darray size (total number of elements stored in the darray). Returns ------- size: integer The total number of elements stored in the darray. """ return @property def dimensions(self): """Return metadata describing the darray dimensions. Returns ------- dimensions: list of dicts """ return [dict(name=name, type=type, begin=begin, end=end) for name, type, begin, end in zip(self._metadata["dimension-names"], self._metadata["dimension-types"], self._metadata["dimension-begin"], self._metadata["dimension-end"])] @property def attributes(self): """Return metadata describing the darray attributes. Returns ------- attributes: list of dicts """ if self._attributes is None: self._attributes = [dict(name=name, type=type) for name, type in zip(self._metadata["attribute-names"], self._metadata["attribute-types"])] return self._attributes def _update_cache(self, attribute_index): attribute_key = "attribute/%s" % attribute_index unique_key = "unique/%s" % attribute_index attribute = self._storage[attribute_key] if "min" in attribute.attrs and "max" in attribute.attrs and "unique" in attribute.attrs and unique_key in self._storage: return attribute_min = None attribute_max = None attribute_unique = None chunk_size = 1000 for begin in numpy.arange(0, len(attribute), chunk_size): slice = attribute[begin : begin + chunk_size] if attribute.dtype.char in ["O", "S", "U"]: data_min = min(slice) data_max = max(slice) data_unique = numpy.unique(slice) attribute_min = str(data_min) if attribute_min is None else str(min(data_min, attribute_min)) attribute_max = str(data_max) if attribute_max is None else str(max(data_max, attribute_max)) attribute_unique = data_unique if attribute_unique is None else numpy.unique(numpy.concatenate((data_unique, attribute_unique))) else: slice = slice[numpy.invert(numpy.isnan(slice))] if len(slice): data_min = numpy.asscalar(slice.min()) data_max = numpy.asscalar(slice.max()) data_unique = numpy.unique(slice) attribute_min = data_min if attribute_min is None else min(data_min, attribute_min) attribute_max = data_max if attribute_max is None else max(data_max, attribute_max) attribute_unique = data_unique if attribute_unique is None else numpy.unique(numpy.concatenate((data_unique, attribute_unique))) if attribute_min is not None: attribute.attrs["min"] = attribute_min if attribute_max is not None: attribute.attrs["max"] = attribute_max if attribute_unique is not None: attribute.attrs["unique"] = len(attribute_unique) self._storage.create_dataset(unique_key, data=attribute_unique, dtype=dtype(self._metadata["attribute-types"][attribute_index]))
[docs] def get_statistics(self, attribute): self._update_cache(attribute) attribute = self._storage["attribute/%s" % attribute] return { "min": attribute.attrs.get("min", None), "max": attribute.attrs.get("max", None), "unique": attribute.attrs.get("unique", None), }
[docs] def get_unique(self, attribute, hyperslice): self._update_cache(attribute) return { "values": self._storage["unique/%s" % attribute][hyperslice] }
[docs] def get_data(self, attribute): """Return a reference to the data storage for a darray attribute. Parameters ---------- attribute: integer, optional The integer index of the attribute data to retrieve. Returns ------- data: reference to a numpy-array-like object. An object implementing a subset of the :class:`numpy.ndarray` interface that contains the attribute data. Note that the returned object only `references` the underlying data - data is not retrieved from the file until you access it using the `[]` operator. """ class StorageWrapper(object): """Ensures that the dtype of data retrieved from the file matches what was put in.""" def __init__(self, storage, dtype): self._storage = storage self._dtype = dtype if dtype == "string": self._dtype = 'unicode' def __getitem__(self, *args, **kwargs): result = self._storage.__getitem__(*args, **kwargs) return result.astype(self._dtype) return StorageWrapper(self._storage["attribute/%s" % attribute], self._metadata["attribute-types"][attribute])
[docs] def set_data(self, attribute, hyperslice, data): """Overwrite the contents of a darray attribute. Parameters ---------- attribute : integer The zero-based integer index of the attribute to be overwritten. hyperslice : integer, :class:`slice`, :class:`Ellipsis`, or tuple containing one or more integer, :class:`slice`, and :class:`Ellipsis` instances. Defines the attribute region to be overwritten. data : numpy.ndarray Data to be written to the attribute. """ if not (0 <= attribute and attribute < len(self.attributes)):" set_data", "Attribute index %s out-of-range." % attribute) raise ValueError("Attribute index %s out-of-range." % attribute) if isinstance(hyperslice, (numbers.Integral, slice, type(Ellipsis))): pass elif isinstance(hyperslice, tuple): for i in hyperslice: if not isinstance(i, (numbers.Integral, slice, type(Ellipsis))):" set_data", "Unsupported hyperslice type.") raise ValueError("Unsupported hyperslice type.") else:" set_data", "Unsupported hyperslice type.") raise ValueError("Unsupported hyperslice type.") # Store the data. attribute_storage = self._storage["attribute/%s" % attribute] attribute_storage[hyperslice] = data # Flush cached sort indices. index_key = "index/%s" % attribute if index_key in self._storage: del self._storage[index_key] # Flush cached unique values. unique_key = "unique/%s" % attribute if unique_key in self._storage: del self._storage[unique_key] # Flush cached statistics. if "min" in attribute_storage.attrs: del attribute_storage.attrs["min"] if "max" in attribute_storage.attrs: del attribute_storage.attrs["max"] if "unique" in attribute_storage.attrs: del attribute_storage.attrs["unique"]
[docs]class ArraySet(object): """Wraps an instance of :class:`h5py.File` to implement a Slycat arrayset.""" def __init__(self, file): self._storage = file def __len__(self): return len(self._storage["array"]) def __getitem__(self, key): return DArray(self._storage["array/%s" % key])
[docs] def keys(self): return [int(key) for key in self._storage["array"].keys()]
[docs] def array_count(self): """Note: this assumes that array indices are contiguous, which we don't explicitly enforce.""" return len(self._storage["array"].keys())
[docs] def start_array(self, array_index, dimensions, attributes): """Add an uninitialized darray to the arrayset. An existing array with the same index will be overwritten. Parameters ---------- array_index : integer, required. Zero-based index of the array to create. dimensions : list of dicts, required. Description of the new array dimensions. attributes : list of dicts, required. Description of the new array attributes. Returns ------- array : :class:`slycat.hdf5.DArray` """ # cherrypy.log.error("building start_array for put_model_array") stub = slycat.darray.Stub(dimensions, attributes) shape = [dimension["end"] - dimension["begin"] for dimension in stub.dimensions] stored_types = [dtype(attribute["type"]) for attribute in stub.attributes] # cherrypy.log.error("allocating space for start_array for put_model_array") try: # Allocate space for the coming data ... array_key = "array/%s" % array_index if array_key in self._storage: del self._storage[array_key] for attribute_index, stored_type in enumerate(stored_types): self._storage.create_dataset("array/%s/attribute/%s" % (array_index, attribute_index), shape, dtype=stored_type) except Exception as e: pass # cherrypy.log.error("storing metadata for start_array for put_model_array") # Store array metadata ... array_metadata = self._storage[array_key].create_group("metadata") array_metadata["attribute-names"] = numpy.array([attribute["name"] for attribute in stub.attributes], dtype=h5py.special_dtype(vlen=unicode)) array_metadata["attribute-types"] = numpy.array([attribute["type"] for attribute in stub.attributes], dtype=h5py.special_dtype(vlen=unicode)) array_metadata["dimension-names"] = numpy.array([dimension["name"] for dimension in stub.dimensions], dtype=h5py.special_dtype(vlen=unicode)) array_metadata["dimension-types"] = numpy.array([dimension["type"] for dimension in stub.dimensions], dtype=h5py.special_dtype(vlen=unicode)) array_metadata["dimension-begin"] = numpy.array([dimension["begin"] for dimension in stub.dimensions], dtype="int64") array_metadata["dimension-end"] = numpy.array([dimension["end"] for dimension in stub.dimensions], dtype="int64") # cherrypy.log.error("returning Darray for start_array for put_model_array") return DArray(self._storage[array_key])
[docs] def store_array(self, array_index, array): """Store a :class:`slycat.darray.Prototype` in the arrayset. An existing array with the same index will be overwritten. Parameters ---------- array_index : integer, required. The index of the array to be created / overwritten. array : :class:`slycat.darray.Prototype`, required. Existing darray to be stored. Returns ------- array : :class:`slycat.hdf5.DArray` """ if not isinstance(array, slycat.darray.Prototype):" store_array", "A slycat.darray is required.") raise ValueError("A slycat.darray is required.") index = tuple([slice(dimension["begin"], dimension["end"]) for dimension in array.dimensions]) self.start_array(array_index, array.dimensions, array.attributes) for attribute_index, attribute in enumerate(array.attributes): stored_type = dtype(attribute["type"]) data = array.get_data(attribute_index) # Store the data ... attribute_key = "array/%s/attribute/%s" % (array_index, attribute_index) hdf5_attribute = self._storage[attribute_key] hdf5_attribute[index] = data return DArray(self._storage["array/%s" % array_index])
[docs]def start_arrayset(file): """Create a new array set using an open hdf5 file. Parameters ---------- file : :class:`h5py.File`, required. An hdf5 file open for writing. Returns ------- arrayset : :class:`slycat.hdf5.ArraySet` """ if not isinstance(file, h5py.File):" start_arrayset", "An open h5py.File is required.") raise ValueError("An open h5py.File is required.") file.create_group("array") return ArraySet(file)
################################################################################################################################################ # Legacy functionality - don't use these in new code.
[docs]def dtype(type): """Convert a string attribute type into a dtype suitable for use with h5py.""" if type not in dtype.type_map.keys():" dtype", "Unsupported type: {}".format(type)) raise Exception("Unsupported type: {}".format(type)) return dtype.type_map[type]
dtype.type_map = {"int8":"int8", "int16":"int16", "int32":"int32", "int64":"int64", "uint8":"uint8", "uint16":"uint16", "uint32":"uint32", "uint64":"uint64", "float32":"float32", "float64":"float64", "string":h5py.special_dtype(vlen=unicode), "float":"float32", "double":"float64"}
[docs]def path(array, directory): return os.path.join(directory, array[0:2], array[2:4], array[4:6], array + ".hdf5")