Source code for slycat.web.server.database.couchdb

# Copyright (c) 2013, 2018 National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC . Under the terms of Contract
# DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government
# retains certain rights in this software.

"""Slycat uses `CouchDB <>`_ as its primary storage
for projects, models, bookmarks, metadata, and small model artifacts.  For
large model artifacts such as :mod:`darrays<slycat.darray>`, the CouchDB
database stores links to HDF5 files stored on disk.

from __future__ import absolute_import

import cherrypy
import couchdb.client
import threading
import time
import uuid

db_lock = threading.Lock()
[docs]class Database: """Wraps a :class:`couchdb.client.Database` to convert CouchDB exceptions into CherryPy exceptions.""" def __init__(self, database): self._database = database def __getitem__(self, *arguments, **keywords): return self._database.__getitem__(*arguments, **keywords)
[docs] def changes(self, *arguments, **keywords): return self._database.changes(*arguments, **keywords)
[docs] def delete(self, *arguments, **keywords): return self._database.delete(*arguments, **keywords)
[docs] def get_attachment(self, *arguments, **keywords): return self._database.get_attachment(*arguments, **keywords)
[docs] def put_attachment(self, *arguments, **keywords): return self._database.put_attachment(*arguments, **keywords)
[docs] def save(self, *arguments, **keywords): try: return*arguments, **keywords) except couchdb.http.ServerError as e:" save", "%s %s" % (e.message[0], e.message[1][1])) raise cherrypy.HTTPError("%s %s" % (e.message[0], e.message[1][1]))
[docs] def view(self, *arguments, **keywords): return self._database.view(*arguments, **keywords)
[docs] def scan(self, path, **keywords): for row in self.view(path, include_docs=True, **keywords): document = row["doc"] yield document
[docs] def get(self, type, id): try: document = self[id] except couchdb.client.http.ResourceNotFound: raise cherrypy.HTTPError(404) if document["type"] != type:" get", "cherrypy.HTTPError 404 document type %s is different than input type: %s" % (document["type"], type)) raise cherrypy.HTTPError(404) return document
[docs] def write_file(self, document, content, content_type): fid = uuid.uuid4().hex self.put_attachment(document, content, filename=fid, content_type=content_type) return fid
def __repr__(self): """ adding this so we can use the cache decorator :return: """ return "<slycat.web.server.database.couchdb.Database instance>"
[docs]def connect(): """Connect to a CouchDB database. Returns ------- database : :class:`slycat.web.server.database.couchdb.Database` """ server = couchdb.client.Server(url=cherrypy.tree.apps[""].config["slycat"]["couchdb-host"]) database = Database(server[cherrypy.tree.apps[""].config["slycat"]["couchdb-database"]]) return database