Source code for slycat.web.server.handlers

# Copyright (c) 2013, 2018 National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC . Under the terms of Contract
# DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government
# retains certain rights in this software.

from __future__ import absolute_import
import traceback
import cherrypy
import hashlib
import itertools
import json
import logging.handlers
import numbers
import numpy
import os
import time
import Queue
import cPickle
import re
import slycat.hdf5
import slycat.hyperchunks
import slycat.uri
import slycat.web.server
import slycat.web.server.authentication
import slycat.web.server.cleanup
import slycat.web.server.database.couchdb
import slycat.web.server.hdf5
import slycat.web.server.plugin
import slycat.web.server.remote
import slycat.web.server.resource
import slycat.web.server.streaming
import slycat.web.server.template
import slycat.web.server.upload
import stat
import subprocess
import sys
import threading
import time
import uuid
import functools
from cherrypy._cpcompat import base64_decode
import datetime
import urlparse

[docs]def css_bundle(): with css_bundle._lock: if css_bundle._bundle is None: css_bundle._bundle = slycat.web.server.resource.manager.add_bundle("text/css", [ "css/namespaced-bootstrap.css", "css/font-awesome.css", "css/slycat.css", ]) slycat.web.server.resource.manager.add_directory("fonts/bootstrap", "fonts/bootstrap") slycat.web.server.resource.manager.add_directory("fonts/font-awesome", "fonts/font-awesome") return css_bundle._bundle
css_bundle._lock = threading.Lock() css_bundle._bundle = None
[docs]def js_bundle(): with js_bundle._lock: if js_bundle._bundle is None: js_bundle._bundle = slycat.web.server.resource.manager.add_bundle("text/javascript", [ # # Alex: indented files are already handled through Webpack # "js/curl.js", # # "js/curl-debug.js", # Uncomment this to debug problems loading modules with curl # "js/slycat-curl-config.js", # # Load this immediately following curl to configure it. # "js/uri.min.js", # # "js/react.development.js", # # "js/react-dom.development.js", # "js/jquery-2.1.1.min.js", # "js/lodash.min.js", # "js/slycat-lodash-wrap.js", # "js/bootstrap.js", # "js/knockout-3.2.0.js", # "js/knockout.mapping.js", # "js/knockout-projections.js", # # We might not be using knockstrap anywhere # "js/knockstrap.js", # "js/papaparse.min.js", # "js/slycat-server-root.js", # "js/slycat-server-ispasswordrequired.js", # "js/slycat-bookmark-manager.js", # "js/slycat-web-client.js", # # Used by wizards # "js/slycat_file_uploader_factory.js", # "js/slycat-dialog.js", # "js/slycat-markings.js", # "js/slycat-nag.js", # # Only used by slycat-parser-controls.js # "js/slycat-parsers.js", # # Used by wizards # "js/slycat-model-controls.js", # # Used by creation wizards for CCA, Parameter Image Plus, and Parameter Space # "js/slycat-parser-controls.js", # # Used by wizards, a bunch of old ones but also the remap wizard. None of the main ones use it. # "js/slycat-model-results.js", # # Used by slycat-navbar(-webpack) and slycat-project-main.js # "js/slycat-model-names.js", # "js/slycat-navbar.js", # # Used by creation wizards # "js/slycat-local-browser.js", # # Used by creation wizards # "js/slycat-remote-browser.js", # # Used by creation wizards # "js/slycat-remote-controls.js", # "js/slycat-remotes.js", # "js/slycat-login-controls.js", # "js/slycat-range-slider.js", # # Useb by /web-server/templates/slycat-page.html, which is served up by get_page() function in this file # "js/slycat-page-main.js", # # Used by /web-server/templates/slycat-projects.html # "js/slycat-projects-main.js", # # Used by /web-server/templates/slycat-project.html # "js/slycat-project-main.js", # "js/slycat-model-main.js", # # Seems to only affect /web-server/templates/slycat-navbar.html # "js/slycat-resizing-modals.js", # # Used by wizards # "js/slycat-table-ingestion.js", # "js/slycat-3d-viewer.js", # # Used by wizards (Parameter Image Plus, SLURM, Timeseries) # "js/slycat-remote-interface.js", # # Seems to be only used in Parameter Image Plus and Timeseries # "js/slycat-job-checker.js" ]) return js_bundle._bundle
js_bundle._lock = threading.Lock() js_bundle._bundle = None
[docs]def get_sid(hostname): """ Takes a hostname address and returns the established sid value base on what is found in the users session raises 400 and 404 :param hostname: name of the host we are trying to connect to :return: sid : uuid for the session name """ sid = None try: database = slycat.web.server.database.couchdb.connect() session = database.get("session", cherrypy.request.cookie["slycatauth"].value) for host_session in session["sessions"]: if host_session["hostname"] == hostname: sid = host_session["sid"] break except Exception as e: cherrypy.log.error("could not retrieve host session for remotes %s" % e) raise cherrypy.HTTPError("404") if sid is None: raise cherrypy.HTTPError("400 session is None value") return sid
[docs]def require_json_parameter(name): """ checks to see if the parameter is in the cherrypy.request.json and errors gracefully if it is not there :param name: name of json param :return: value of the json param """ if name not in cherrypy.request.json:" require_json_parameter", "cherrypy.HTTPError 404 missing '%s' parameter." % name) raise cherrypy.HTTPError("400 Missing '%s' parameter." % name) return cherrypy.request.json[name]
[docs]def require_boolean_json_parameter(name): value = require_json_parameter(name) if value is not True and value is not False:" require_boolean_json_parameter", "cherrypy.HTTPError 400 '%s' parameter must be true or false." % name) raise cherrypy.HTTPError("400 '%s' parameter must be true or false." % name) return value
[docs]def require_array_json_parameter(name): array = require_json_parameter(name) if not isinstance(array, list):" require_array_json_parameter", "cherrypy.HTTPError 400 '%s' parameter must be an array." % name) raise cherrypy.HTTPError("400 '%s' parameter must be an array." % name) return array
[docs]def require_integer_array_json_parameter(name): array = require_array_json_parameter(name) try: array = [int(value) for value in array] except:" require_integer_array_json_parameter", "cherrypy.HTTPError 400 '%s' parameter must be an array of integers." % name) raise cherrypy.HTTPError("400 '%s' parameter must be an array of integers." % name) return array
[docs]def require_integer_parameter(value, name): try: return int(value) except:" require_integer_parameter", "cherrypy.HTTPError 400 '%s' parameter must be an integer." % name) raise cherrypy.HTTPError("400 '%s' parameter must be an integer." % name)
[docs]def get_projects(_=None): """ returns either and array of projects or html for displaying the projects :param _: :return: """ context = {} context["slycat-server-root"] =["slycat-web-server"]["server-root"] context["slycat-css-bundle"] = css_bundle() context["slycat-js-bundle"] = js_bundle() context["slycat-injected-code"] =["slycat-web-server"].get("injected-code", "") return slycat.web.server.template.render(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../../../../web-server/dist/slycat_projects.html")), context)
[docs] def get_projects_list(_=None): """ returns either and array of projects or html for displaying the projects :param _: :return: """ database = slycat.web.server.database.couchdb.connect() projects = [project for project in database.scan("slycat/projects") if slycat.web.server.authentication.is_project_reader( project) or slycat.web.server.authentication.is_project_writer( project) or slycat.web.server.authentication.is_project_administrator( project) or slycat.web.server.authentication.is_server_administrator()] projects = sorted(projects, key=lambda x: x["created"], reverse=True) return {"revision": 0, "projects": projects}
[docs] def post_projects(): if "name" not in cherrypy.request.json:" post_projects", "cherrypy.HTTPError 400 missing project name.") raise cherrypy.HTTPError("400 Missing project name.") database = slycat.web.server.database.couchdb.connect() pid, rev ={ "type": "project", "acl": {"administrators": [{"user": cherrypy.request.login}], "readers": [], "writers": [], "groups": []}, "created": datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), "creator": cherrypy.request.login, "description": cherrypy.request.json.get("description", ""), "name": cherrypy.request.json["name"] }) cherrypy.response.headers["location"] = "%s/projects/%s" % (cherrypy.request.base, pid) cherrypy.response.status = "201 Project created." return {"id": pid}
[docs]def get_project(pid): """ returns a project based on "content-type" header :param pid: project ID :return: Either html landing page of given project or the json representation of the project """ # Return the client's preferred media-type (from the given Content-Types) accept = cherrypy.lib.cptools.accept(media=["application/json", "text/html"]) cherrypy.response.headers["content-type"] = accept database = slycat.web.server.database.couchdb.connect() project = database.get("project", pid) slycat.web.server.authentication.require_project_reader(project) if accept == "application/json": return json.dumps(project) if accept == "text/html": models = [model for model in database.scan("slycat/project-models", startkey=pid, endkey=pid)] models = sorted(models, key=lambda x: x["created"], reverse=True) for model in models: model["marking-html"] = slycat.web.server.plugin.manager.markings[model["marking"]]["badge"] context = {} context["slycat-server-root"] =["slycat-web-server"]["server-root"] context["slycat-css-bundle"] = css_bundle() context["slycat-js-bundle"] = js_bundle() context["slycat-project"] = project context["slycat-project-name"] = project.get("name", "").replace("'", "\\'") context["slycat-injected-code"] =["slycat-web-server"].get("injected-code", "") return slycat.web.server.template.render(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../../../../web-server/dist/slycat_project.html")), context)
[docs]def get_remote_host_dict(): remote_host_dict =["slycat-web-server"]["remote-hosts"] remote_host_list = [] for host in remote_host_dict: if "message" in remote_host_dict[host]: remote_host_list.append({"name": host, "message": remote_host_dict[host]["message"]}) else: remote_host_list.append({"name": host}) return remote_host_list
[docs] def put_project(pid): database = slycat.web.server.database.couchdb.connect() project = database.get("project", pid) slycat.web.server.authentication.require_project_writer(project) mutations = [] if "acl" in cherrypy.request.json: slycat.web.server.authentication.require_project_administrator(project) if "administrators" not in cherrypy.request.json["acl"]:" put_project", "cherrypy.HTTPError 400 missing administrators.") raise cherrypy.HTTPError("400 missing administrators") if "writers" not in cherrypy.request.json["acl"]:" put_project", "cherrypy.HTTPError 400 missing writers.") raise cherrypy.HTTPError("400 missing writers") if "readers" not in cherrypy.request.json["acl"]:" put_project", "cherrypy.HTTPError 400 missing readers.") raise cherrypy.HTTPError("400 missing readers") project["acl"] = cherrypy.request.json["acl"] if "name" in cherrypy.request.json: project["name"] = cherrypy.request.json["name"] if "description" in cherrypy.request.json: project["description"] = cherrypy.request.json["description"] cherrypy.response.status = "200 Project updated."
[docs]def delete_project(pid): couchdb = slycat.web.server.database.couchdb.connect() project = couchdb.get("project", pid) slycat.web.server.authentication.require_project_administrator(project) for cache_object in couchdb.scan("slycat/project-cache-objects", startkey=pid, endkey=pid): couchdb.delete(cache_object) for reference in couchdb.scan("slycat/project-references", startkey=pid, endkey=pid): couchdb.delete(reference) for bookmark in couchdb.scan("slycat/project-bookmarks", startkey=pid, endkey=pid): couchdb.delete(bookmark) for model in couchdb.scan("slycat/project-models", startkey=pid, endkey=pid): couchdb.delete(model) couchdb.delete(project) slycat.web.server.cleanup.arrays() cherrypy.response.status = "204 Project deleted."
[docs] def get_project_models(pid): database = slycat.web.server.database.couchdb.connect() project = database.get("project", pid) slycat.web.server.authentication.require_project_reader(project) models = [model for model in database.scan("slycat/project-models", startkey=pid, endkey=pid)] models = sorted(models, key=lambda x: x["created"], reverse=True) return models
[docs] def get_project_references(pid): database = slycat.web.server.database.couchdb.connect() project = database.get("project", pid) slycat.web.server.authentication.require_project_reader(project) references = [reference for reference in database.scan("slycat/project-references", startkey=pid, endkey=pid)] references = sorted(references, key=lambda x: x["created"]) return references
[docs] def post_project_models(pid): """ When a pid along with json "model-type", "marking", "name" is sent with POST creates a model and saves it to the database :param pid: project ID for created model :return: json {"id" : mid} """ database = slycat.web.server.database.couchdb.connect() project = database.get("project", pid) slycat.web.server.authentication.require_project_writer(project) # create the model model_type = require_json_parameter("model-type") allowed_model_types = slycat.web.server.plugin.manager.models.keys() if model_type not in allowed_model_types:" post_project_models", "cherrypy.HTTPError allowed model types: %s" % ", ".join(allowed_model_types)) raise cherrypy.HTTPError("400 Allowed model types: %s" % ", ".join(allowed_model_types)) marking = require_json_parameter("marking") if marking not in["slycat-web-server"]["allowed-markings"]:" post_project_models", "cherrypy.HTTPError 400 allowed marking types: %s" % ", ".join(["slycat-web-server"]["allowed-markings"])) raise cherrypy.HTTPError("400 Allowed marking types: %s" % ", ".join(["slycat-web-server"]["allowed-markings"])) name = require_json_parameter("name") description = cherrypy.request.json.get("description", "") mid = uuid.uuid4().hex model = { "_id": mid, "type": "model", "model-type": model_type, "marking": marking, "project": pid, "created": datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), "creator": cherrypy.request.login, "name": name, "description": description, "artifact-types": {}, "input-artifacts": [], "state": "waiting", "result": None, "started": None, "finished": None, "progress": None, "message": None, } cherrypy.response.headers["location"] = "%s/models/%s" % (cherrypy.request.base, mid) cherrypy.response.status = "201 Model created." return {"id": mid}
[docs] def post_log(): """ send post json {"message":"message"} to log client errors onto the client server :return: """ message = require_json_parameter("message") cherrypy.log.error("[CLIENT/JAVASCRIPT]:: %s" % (message)) return {"logged": True}
[docs] def post_project_bookmarks(pid): database = slycat.web.server.database.couchdb.connect() project = database.get("project", pid) slycat.web.server.authentication.require_project_reader( project) # This is intentionally out-of-the-ordinary - we explicitly allow project *readers* to store bookmarks. content = json.dumps(cherrypy.request.json, separators=(",", ":"), indent=None, sort_keys=True) bid = hashlib.md5(pid + content).hexdigest() try: doc = database[bid] except: doc = { "_id": bid, "project": pid, "type": "bookmark" } database.put_attachment(doc, filename="bookmark", content_type="application/json", content=content) cherrypy.response.headers["location"] = "%s/bookmarks/%s" % (cherrypy.request.base, bid) cherrypy.response.status = "201 Bookmark stored." return {"id": bid}
[docs] def post_project_references(pid): database = slycat.web.server.database.couchdb.connect() project = database.get("project", pid) slycat.web.server.authentication.require_project_writer(project) rid = uuid.uuid4().hex reference = { "_id": rid, "type": "reference", "project": pid, "created": datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), "creator": cherrypy.request.login, "name": require_json_parameter("name"), "model-type": cherrypy.request.json.get("model-type", None), "mid": cherrypy.request.json.get("mid", None), "bid": cherrypy.request.json.get("bid", None), } cherrypy.response.headers["location"] = "%s/references/%s" % (cherrypy.request.base, rid) cherrypy.response.status = "201 Reference created." return {"id": rid}
[docs] def put_reference(rid): couchdb = slycat.web.server.database.couchdb.connect() reference = couchdb.get("reference", rid) project = couchdb.get("project", reference["project"]) slycat.web.server.authentication.require_project_writer(project) if cherrypy.request.json.get("name", None): reference["name"] = cherrypy.request.json.get("name", None) if cherrypy.request.json.get("bid", None): reference["bid"] = cherrypy.request.json.get("bid", None) cherrypy.response.status = "201 Reference updated."
[docs]def get_page(ptype): database = slycat.web.server.database.couchdb.connect() context = {} context["slycat-server-root"] =["slycat-web-server"]["server-root"] context["slycat-css-bundle"] = css_bundle() context["slycat-js-bundle"] = js_bundle() context["slycat-page-type"] = ptype context["slycat-injected-code"] =["slycat-web-server"].get("injected-code", "") if ptype not in slycat.web.server.plugin.manager.pages: context["slycat-page-html"] = u""" <div style="-webkit-flex:1;flex:1;display:-webkit-flex;display:flex;-webkit-align-items:center;align-items:center;-webkit-justify-content:center;justify-content:center; text-align:center; font-size: 21px;"> <p>No plugin available for page type \u201c%s\u201d.</p> </div>""" % ptype return slycat.web.server.template.render(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../../../../web-server/dist/slycat_page.html")), context) context["slycat-page-html"] = slycat.web.server.plugin.manager.pages[ptype]["html"](database, model=None) if ptype in slycat.web.server.plugin.manager.page_bundles: context["slycat-page-css-bundles"] = [{"bundle": key} for key, (content_type, content) in slycat.web.server.plugin.manager.page_bundles[ptype].items() if content_type == "text/css"] context["slycat-page-js-bundles"] = [{"bundle": key} for key, (content_type, content) in slycat.web.server.plugin.manager.page_bundles[ptype].items() if content_type == "text/javascript"] return slycat.web.server.template.render(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../../../../web-server/dist/slycat_page.html")), context)
[docs]def get_model(mid, **kwargs): database = slycat.web.server.database.couchdb.connect() model = database.get("model", mid) project = database.get("project", model["project"]) slycat.web.server.authentication.require_project_reader(project) accept = cherrypy.lib.cptools.accept(media=["application/json", "text/html"]) cherrypy.response.headers["content-type"] = accept if accept == "application/json": return json.dumps(model) elif accept == "text/html": mtype = model.get("model-type", None) ptype = kwargs.get("ptype", None) cherrypy.log.error("mtype: %s ptype: %s" % (mtype, ptype)) context = {} # Setting slycat_model_page and whether global JS and CSS bundles are emitted based on global_bundles flag set by model plugin when it registers. slycat_model_page = 'slycat-model-page.html' if mtype in slycat.web.server.plugin.manager.global_bundles and slycat.web.server.plugin.manager.global_bundles[mtype] == False: context["slycat-js-bundle"] = None context["slycat-css-bundle"] = None # slycat_model_page = 'slycat-model-page-webpack.html' cherrypy.log.error("Global bundle will NOT be emitted for '%s'." % (mtype)) else: context["slycat-js-bundle"] = js_bundle() context["slycat-css-bundle"] = css_bundle() cherrypy.log.error("Global bundle will be emitted for '%s'." % (mtype)) marking = slycat.web.server.plugin.manager.markings[model["marking"]] context["slycat-server-root"] =["slycat-web-server"]["server-root"] context["slycat-marking-before-html"] = marking["badge"] if marking["page-before"] is None else marking[ "page-before"] context["slycat-marking-after-html"] = marking["badge"] if marking["page-after"] is None else marking[ "page-after"] context["slycat-injected-code"] =["slycat-web-server"].get("injected-code", "") context["slycat-model"] = model context["slycat-model-name"] = model.get("name", "").replace("'", "\\'") context["slycat-project"] = project context["slycat-project-name"] = project.get("name", "").replace("'", "\\'") context["slycat-model-type"] = mtype if mtype not in slycat.web.server.plugin.manager.models.keys(): context["slycat-page-html"] = u""" <div style="-webkit-flex:1;flex:1;display:-webkit-flex;display:flex;-webkit-align-items:center;align-items:center;-webkit-justify-content:center;justify-content:center; text-align:center; font-size: 21px;"> <p>No plugin available for model type \u201c%s\u201d.</p> </div>""" % mtype return slycat.web.server.template.render(slycat_model_page, context) if ptype is None: ptype = slycat.web.server.plugin.manager.models[mtype]["ptype"] if ptype not in slycat.web.server.plugin.manager.pages: context["slycat-page-html"] = u""" <div style="-webkit-flex:1;flex:1;display:-webkit-flex;display:flex;-webkit-align-items:center;align-items:center;-webkit-justify-content:center;justify-content:center; text-align:center; font-size: 21px;"> <p>No plugin available for page type \u201c%s\u201d.</p> </div>""" % ptype return slycat.web.server.template.render(slycat_model_page, context) context["slycat-page-type"] = ptype context["slycat-page-html"] = slycat.web.server.plugin.manager.pages[ptype]["html"](database, model) if ptype in slycat.web.server.plugin.manager.page_bundles: context["slycat-page-css-bundles"] = [{"bundle": key} for key, (content_type, content) in slycat.web.server.plugin.manager.page_bundles[ptype].items() if content_type == "text/css"] context["slycat-page-js-bundles"] = [{"bundle": key} for key, (content_type, content) in slycat.web.server.plugin.manager.page_bundles[ptype].items() if content_type == "text/javascript"] return slycat.web.server.template.render(slycat_model_page, context)
[docs]def model_command(mid, type, command, **kwargs): database = slycat.web.server.database.couchdb.connect() model = database.get("model", mid) project = database.get("project", model["project"]) slycat.web.server.authentication.require_project_reader(project) key = (cherrypy.request.method, type, command) if key in slycat.web.server.plugin.manager.model_commands: return slycat.web.server.plugin.manager.model_commands[key](database, model, cherrypy.request.method, type, command, **kwargs)" model_command", "cherrypy.HTTPError 400 unknown command: %s" % command) raise cherrypy.HTTPError("400 Unknown command: %s" % command)
[docs] def model_sensitive_command(mid, type, command): database = slycat.web.server.database.couchdb.connect() model = database.get("model", mid) project = database.get("project", model["project"]) slycat.web.server.authentication.require_project_reader(project) kwargs = cherrypy.request.json key = (cherrypy.request.method, type, command) if key in slycat.web.server.plugin.manager.model_commands: return slycat.web.server.plugin.manager.model_commands[key](database, model, cherrypy.request.method, type, command, **kwargs)" model_sensitive_command", "cherrypy.HTTPError 400 unknown command: %s" % command) raise cherrypy.HTTPError("400 Unknown command: %s" % command)
[docs]def get_page_resource(ptype, resource): if ptype in slycat.web.server.plugin.manager.page_bundles: if resource in slycat.web.server.plugin.manager.page_bundles[ptype]: content_type, content = slycat.web.server.plugin.manager.page_bundles[ptype][resource] cherrypy.response.headers["content-type"] = content_type return content if ptype in slycat.web.server.plugin.manager.page_resources: for page_resource, page_path in slycat.web.server.plugin.manager.page_resources[ptype].items(): if page_resource == resource: return cherrypy.lib.static.serve_file(page_path) #" get_page_resource", "cherrypy.HTTPError 404 invalid input type: %s" % ptype) raise cherrypy.HTTPError("404")
[docs]def get_wizard_resource(wtype, resource): if wtype in slycat.web.server.plugin.manager.wizard_resources: for wizard_resource, wizard_path in slycat.web.server.plugin.manager.wizard_resources[wtype].items(): if wizard_resource == resource: return cherrypy.lib.static.serve_file(wizard_path)" get_wizard_resource", "cherrypy.HTTPError 404 invalid input wizard type: %s" % wtype) raise cherrypy.HTTPError("404")
[docs] def put_model(mid): database = slycat.web.server.database.couchdb.connect() model = database.get("model", mid) project = database.get("project", model["project"]) slycat.web.server.authentication.require_project_writer(project) save_model = False for key, value in cherrypy.request.json.items(): if key not in ["name", "description", "state", "result", "progress", "message", "started", "finished", "marking"]:" put_model", "cherrypy.HTTPError 400 unknown model parameter: %s" % key) raise cherrypy.HTTPError("400 Unknown model parameter: %s" % key) if key in ["started", "finished"]: try: datetime.datetime.strptime(value, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f") except:" put_model", "cherrypy.HTTPError 400 timestamp fields must use ISO-8601.") raise cherrypy.HTTPError("400 Timestamp fields must use ISO-8601.") if value != model.get(key): model[key] = value save_model = True if save_model:
[docs]def post_model_finish(mid): database = slycat.web.server.database.couchdb.connect() model = database.get("model", mid) project = database.get("project", model["project"]) slycat.web.server.authentication.require_project_writer(project) # check state of the model if model["state"] != "waiting":" post_model_finish", "cherrypy.HTTPError 400 only waiting models can be finished.") raise cherrypy.HTTPError("400 Only waiting models can be finished.") # check if the model type exists if model["model-type"] not in slycat.web.server.plugin.manager.models.keys():" post_model_finish", "cherrypy.HTTPError 500 cannot finish unknown model type.") raise cherrypy.HTTPError("500 Cannot finish unknown model type.") # slycat.web.server.update_model(database, model, state="running", started=datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), progress=0.0) slycat.web.server.plugin.manager.models[model["model-type"]]["finish"](database, model) cherrypy.response.status = "202 Finishing model."
[docs]def post_model_files(mid, input=None, files=None, sids=None, paths=None, aids=None, parser=None, **kwargs): if input is None:" post_model_files", "cherrypy.HTTPError 400 required input parameter is missing.") raise cherrypy.HTTPError("400 Required input parameter is missing.") input = True if input == "true" else False if files is not None and sids is None and paths is None: if not isinstance(files, list): files = [files] files = [ for file in files] elif files is None and sids is not None and paths is not None: if not isinstance(sids, list): sids = [sids] if not isinstance(paths, list): paths = [paths] if len(sids) != len(paths):" post_model_files", "cherrypy.HTTPError 400 sids and paths parameter must have the same length.") raise cherrypy.HTTPError("400 sids and paths parameters must have the same length.") files = [] for sid, path in zip(sids, paths): with slycat.web.server.remote.get_session(sid) as session: filename = "%s@%s:%s" % (session.username, session.hostname, path) if stat.S_ISDIR(session.sftp.stat(path).st_mode):" post_model_files", "cherrypy.HTTPError 400 cannot load directory %s." % filename) raise cherrypy.HTTPError("400 Cannot load directory %s." % filename) files.append(session.sftp.file(path).read()) else:" post_model_files", "cherrypy.HTTPError 400 must supply files parameter, or sids and path parameters.") raise cherrypy.HTTPError("400 Must supply files parameter, or sids and paths parameters.") if aids is None: aids = [] if not isinstance(aids, list): aids = [aids] if parser is None:" post_model_files", "cherrypy.HTTPError 400 required parser parameter is missing.") raise cherrypy.HTTPError("400 Required parser parameter is missing.") if parser not in slycat.web.server.plugin.manager.parsers:" post_model_files", "cherrypy.HTTPError 400 unknown parser plugin: %s" % parser) raise cherrypy.HTTPError("400 Unknown parser plugin: %s." % parser) database = slycat.web.server.database.couchdb.connect() model = database.get("model", mid) project = database.get("project", model["project"]) slycat.web.server.authentication.require_project_writer(project) try: slycat.web.server.plugin.manager.parsers[parser]["parse"](database, model, input, files, aids, **kwargs) except Exception as e: cherrypy.log.error("Exception parsing posted files: %s" % e)" post_model_files", "cherrypy.HTTPError 400 %s" % e.message) raise cherrypy.HTTPError("400 %s" % e.message)
[docs] def post_uploads(): """ creates a session for uploading a file to :return: Upload ID """ mid = require_json_parameter("mid") input = require_boolean_json_parameter("input") parser = require_json_parameter("parser") aids = require_json_parameter("aids") if parser not in slycat.web.server.plugin.manager.parsers:" post_uploads", "cherrypy.HTTPError 400 unknown parser plugin: %s." % parser) raise cherrypy.HTTPError("400 Unknown parser plugin: %s." % parser) kwargs = {key: value for key, value in cherrypy.request.json.items() if key not in ["mid", "input", "parser", "aids"]} uid = slycat.web.server.upload.create_session(mid, input, parser, aids, kwargs) cherrypy.response.headers["location"] = "%s/uploads/%s" % (cherrypy.request.base, uid) cherrypy.response.status = "201 Upload started." return {"id": uid}
[docs]def put_upload_file_part(uid, fid, pid, file=None, hostname=None, path=None): fid = require_integer_parameter(fid, "fid") pid = require_integer_parameter(pid, "pid") if file is not None and hostname is None and path is None: data = elif file is None and hostname is not None and path is not None: sid = get_sid(hostname) with slycat.web.server.remote.get_session(sid) as session: filename = "%s@%s:%s" % (session.username, session.hostname, path) if stat.S_ISDIR(session.sftp.stat(path).st_mode):" put_upload_file_part", "cherrypy.HTTPError 400 cannot load directory %s." % filename) raise cherrypy.HTTPError("400 Cannot load directory %s." % filename) data = session.sftp.file(path).read() else:" put_upload_file_part", "cherrypy.HTTPError 400 must supply file parameter, or sid and path parameters.") raise cherrypy.HTTPError("400 Must supply file parameter, or sid and path parameters.") with slycat.web.server.upload.get_session(uid) as session: session.put_upload_file_part(fid, pid, data)
[docs] def post_upload_finished(uid): """ ask the server to finish the upload :param uid: upload session ID :return: status of upload """ uploaded = require_integer_array_json_parameter("uploaded") with slycat.web.server.upload.get_session(uid) as session: return session.post_upload_finished(uploaded)
[docs]def delete_upload(uid): """ cleans up an upload session throws 409 if the session is busy :param uid: :return: not used """ slycat.web.server.upload.delete_session(uid) cherrypy.response.status = "204 Upload session deleted."
[docs]def open_id_authenticate(**params): """ takes the openid parameter sent to this function and logs in a user :param params: openid params as a dictionary :return: not used """ # check for openid in the config for security if slycat.web.server.config["slycat-web-server"]["authentication"]["plugin"] != "slycat-openid-authentication": raise cherrypy.HTTPError(404) cherrypy.log.error("params = %s" % params) current_url = urlparse.urlparse(cherrypy.url() + "?" + cherrypy.request.query_string) kerberos_principal = params['openid.ext2.value.Authuser'] auth_user = kerberos_principal.split("@")[0] cherrypy.log.error("++ openid-auth setting auth_user = %s" % auth_user) slycat.web.server.create_single_sign_on_session(slycat.web.server.check_https_get_remote_ip(), auth_user) raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("https://" + current_url.netloc + "/projects")
[docs] def login(): """ Takes the post object under cherrypy.request.json with the users name and password and determins with the user can be authenticated with slycat :return: authentication status """ # cherrypy.log.error("login attempt started %s" % datetime.datetime.utcnow()) # try and delete any outdated sessions for the user if they have the cookie for it slycat.web.server.clean_up_old_session() # try and decode the username and password user_name, password = slycat.web.server.decode_username_and_password() realm = None # get the route they came from and check if the server root is the same, # if so redirect to the place they came from response_url = slycat.web.server.response_url() # Get the client ip, which might be forwarded by a proxy. remote_ip = cherrypy.request.headers.get( "x-forwarded-for") if "x-forwarded-for" in cherrypy.request.headers else cherrypy.request.rem # see if we have a registered password checking function from our config password_check = slycat.web.server.get_password_function() # time to test username and password success, groups = password_check(realm, user_name, password) if success: # check the rules slycat.web.server.check_rules(groups) # we got passed the rules check # Successful authentication and access verification, create a session and return. slycat.web.server.create_single_sign_on_session(remote_ip, user_name) else: # cherrypy.log.error("user %s at %s failed authentication" % (user_name, remote_ip)) cherrypy.response.status = "404 no auth found!!!" return {'success': success, 'target': response_url}
[docs]def get_root(): """ Redirect all requests to "/" to "/projects" Not sure why we used to do that, but after conversion to webpack this is no longer needed, so I changed the projects-redirect config parameter in web-server-config.ini to just "/" """ current_url = urlparse.urlparse(cherrypy.url()) proj_url = "https://" + current_url.netloc +["slycat-web-server"]["projects-redirect"] raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect(proj_url, 303)
[docs]def logout(): """ See if the client has a valid session. If so delete it :return: the status of the request """ try: if "slycatauth" in cherrypy.request.cookie: sid = cherrypy.request.cookie["slycatauth"].value # expire the old cookies cherrypy.response.cookie["slycatauth"] = sid cherrypy.response.cookie["slycatauth"]['expires'] = 0 cherrypy.response.cookie["slycattimeout"] = "timeout" cherrypy.response.cookie["slycattimeout"]['expires'] = 0 couchdb = slycat.web.server.database.couchdb.connect() session = couchdb.get("session", sid) if session is not None: cherrypy.response.status = "200 session deleted." + str(couchdb.delete(session)) else: cherrypy.response.status = "400 Bad Request no session to delete." else: cherrypy.response.status = "403 Forbidden" except Exception as e: raise cherrypy.HTTPError("400 Bad Request")
[docs] def put_model_inputs(mid): database = slycat.web.server.database.couchdb.connect() model = database.get("model", mid) project = database.get("project", model["project"]) slycat.web.server.authentication.require_project_writer(project) sid = cherrypy.request.json["sid"] deep_copy = cherrypy.request.json.get("deep-copy", False) source = database.get("model", sid) if source["project"] != model["project"]:" put_model_inputs", "cherrypy.HTTPError 400 cannot duplicate a model from another project.") raise cherrypy.HTTPError("400 Cannot duplicate a model from another project.") slycat.web.server.put_model_inputs(database, model, source, deep_copy)
[docs] def put_model_parameter(mid, aid): database = slycat.web.server.database.couchdb.connect() model = database.get("model", mid) project = database.get("project", model["project"]) slycat.web.server.authentication.require_project_writer(project) value = require_json_parameter("value") input = require_boolean_json_parameter("input") with slycat.web.server.database.couchdb.db_lock: try: slycat.web.server.put_model_parameter(database, model, aid, value, input) except Exception: time.sleep(1) database = slycat.web.server.database.couchdb.connect() model = database.get("model", mid) project = database.get("project", model["project"]) slycat.web.server.authentication.require_project_writer(project) value = require_json_parameter("value") input = require_boolean_json_parameter("input") slycat.web.server.put_model_parameter(database, model, aid, value, input)
[docs]def delete_model_parameter(mid, aid): """ delete a model artifact :param mid: model Id :param aid: artifact id :return: """ database = slycat.web.server.database.couchdb.connect() model = database.get("model", mid) project = database.get("project", model["project"]) slycat.web.server.authentication.require_project_writer(project) slycat.web.server.delete_model_parameter(database, model, aid) slycat.web.server.cleanup.arrays() cherrypy.response.status = "204 Model deleted."
[docs] def put_model_arrayset(mid, aid): database = slycat.web.server.database.couchdb.connect() model = database.get("model", mid) project = database.get("project", model["project"]) slycat.web.server.authentication.require_project_writer(project) input = require_boolean_json_parameter("input") slycat.web.server.put_model_arrayset(database, model, aid, input)
[docs] def put_model_arrayset_array(mid, aid, array): database = slycat.web.server.database.couchdb.connect() model = database.get("model", mid) project = database.get("project", model["project"]) slycat.web.server.authentication.require_project_writer(project) # Sanity-check inputs ... array_index = int(array) attributes = cherrypy.request.json["attributes"] dimensions = cherrypy.request.json["dimensions"] slycat.web.server.put_model_array(database, model, aid, array_index, attributes, dimensions)
[docs]def put_model_arrayset_data(mid, aid, hyperchunks, data, byteorder=None): # Validate inputs. try: hyperchunks = slycat.hyperchunks.parse(hyperchunks) except:" put_model_arrayset_data", "cherrypy.HTTPError 400 not a valid hyperchunks specification.") raise cherrypy.HTTPError("400 Not a valid hyperchunks specification.") if byteorder is not None: if byteorder not in ["big", "little"]:" put_model_arrayset_data", "cherrypy.HTTPError 400 optional byteorder argument must be big or little.") raise cherrypy.HTTPError("400 optional byteorder argument must be big or little.") # Handle the request. database = slycat.web.server.database.couchdb.connect() model = database.get("model", mid) project = database.get("project", model["project"]) slycat.web.server.authentication.require_project_writer(project) slycat.web.server.update_model(database, model, message="Storing data to array set %s." % (aid)) if byteorder is None: data = json.load(data.file) data_iterator = iter(data) with slycat.web.server.hdf5.lock: with["artifact:%s" % aid], "r+") as file: hdf5_arrayset = slycat.hdf5.ArraySet(file) for array in slycat.hyperchunks.arrays(hyperchunks, hdf5_arrayset.array_count()): hdf5_array = hdf5_arrayset[array.index] for attribute in array.attributes(len(hdf5_array.attributes)): if not isinstance(attribute.expression, slycat.hyperchunks.grammar.AttributeIndex): raise cherrypy.HTTPError("400 Cannot assign data to computed attributes.") for hyperslice in attribute.hyperslices(): cherrypy.log.error( "Writing %s/%s/%s/%s" % (aid, array.index, attribute.expression.index, hyperslice)) # We have to convert our hyperslice into a shape with explicit extents so we can compute # how many bytes to extract from the input data. if hyperslice == (Ellipsis,): data_shape = [dimension["end"] - dimension["begin"] for dimension in hdf5_array.dimensions] else: data_shape = [] for hyperslice_dimension, array_dimension in zip(hyperslice, hdf5_array.dimensions): if isinstance(hyperslice_dimension, numbers.Integral): data_shape.append(1) elif isinstance(hyperslice_dimension, type(Ellipsis)): data_shape.append(array_dimension["end"] - array_dimension["begin"]) elif isinstance(hyperslice_dimension, slice): # TODO: Handle step start, stop, step = hyperslice_dimension.indices( array_dimension["end"] - array_dimension["begin"]) data_shape.append(stop - start) else:" put_model_arrayset_data", "Unexpected hyperslice: %s" % hyperslice_dimension) raise ValueError("Unexpected hyperslice: %s" % hyperslice_dimension) # Convert data to an array ... data_type = slycat.hdf5.dtype(hdf5_array.attributes[attribute.expression.index]["type"]) data_size = if byteorder is None: hyperslice_data = numpy.array(, dtype=data_type).reshape(data_shape) elif byteorder == sys.byteorder: hyperslice_data = numpy.fromfile(data.file, dtype=data_type, count=data_size).reshape( data_shape) else:" put_model_arrayset_data", "Not implemented error.") raise NotImplementedError() hdf5_array.set_data(attribute.expression.index, hyperslice, hyperslice_data)
[docs]def delete_model(mid): couchdb = slycat.web.server.database.couchdb.connect() model = couchdb.get("model", mid) project = couchdb.get("project", model["project"]) slycat.web.server.authentication.require_project_writer(project) couchdb.delete(model) slycat.web.server.cleanup.arrays() cherrypy.response.status = "204 Model deleted."
[docs]def delete_reference(rid): couchdb = slycat.web.server.database.couchdb.connect() reference = couchdb.get("reference", rid) project = couchdb.get("project", reference["project"]) slycat.web.server.authentication.require_project_writer(project) couchdb.delete(reference) cherrypy.response.status = "204 Reference deleted."
[docs]def get_project_cache_object(pid, key): database = slycat.web.server.database.couchdb.connect() project = database.get("project", pid) slycat.web.server.authentication.require_project_reader(project) lookup = pid + "-" + key for cache_object in database.scan("slycat/project-key-cache-objects", startkey=lookup, endkey=lookup): cherrypy.response.headers["content-type"] = cache_object["_attachments"]["content"]["content_type"] return database.get_attachment(cache_object, "content") raise cherrypy.HTTPError(404)
[docs]def delete_project_cache_object(pid, key): couchdb = slycat.web.server.database.couchdb.connect() project = couchdb.get("project", pid) slycat.web.server.authentication.require_project_writer(project) lookup = pid + "-" + key for cache_object in couchdb.scan("slycat/project-key-cache-objects", startkey=lookup, endkey=lookup): couchdb.delete(cache_object) cherrypy.response.status = "204 Cache object deleted." return" delete_project_cache_object", "cherrypy.HTTPError 404") raise cherrypy.HTTPError(404)
[docs]def delete_project_cache(pid): """ clears all the cached images and videos for a project given a project ID :param pid: Project ID :return: status """ couchdb = slycat.web.server.database.couchdb.connect() project = couchdb.get("project", pid) slycat.web.server.authentication.require_project_administrator(project) for cache_object in couchdb.scan("slycat/project-cache-objects", startkey=pid, endkey=pid): couchdb.delete(cache_object) cherrypy.response.status = "204 Cache objects deleted."
[docs]def get_model_array_attribute_chunk(mid, aid, array, attribute, **arguments): try: attribute = int(attribute) except: raise cherrypy.HTTPError("400 Malformed attribute argument must be a zero-based integer attribute index.") try: ranges = [int(spec) for spec in arguments["ranges"].split(",")] i = iter(ranges) ranges = list(itertools.izip(i, i)) except: raise cherrypy.HTTPError( "400 Malformed ranges argument must be a comma separated collection of half-open index ranges.") byteorder = arguments.get("byteorder", None) if byteorder is not None: if byteorder not in ["little", "big"]: raise cherrypy.HTTPError("400 Malformed byteorder argument must be 'little' or 'big'.") accept = cherrypy.lib.cptools.accept(["application/octet-stream"]) else: accept = cherrypy.lib.cptools.accept(["application/json"]) cherrypy.response.headers["content-type"] = accept database = slycat.web.server.database.couchdb.connect() model = database.get("model", mid) project = database.get("project", model["project"]) slycat.web.server.authentication.require_project_reader(project) artifact = model.get("artifact:%s" % aid, None) if artifact is None: raise cherrypy.HTTPError(404) artifact_type = model["artifact-types"][aid] if artifact_type not in ["hdf5"]: raise cherrypy.HTTPError("400 %s is not an array artifact." % aid) with slycat.web.server.hdf5.lock: with as file: hdf5_arrayset = slycat.hdf5.ArraySet(file) hdf5_array = hdf5_arrayset[array] if not (0 <= attribute and attribute < len(hdf5_array.attributes)): raise cherrypy.HTTPError("400 Attribute argument out-of-range.") if len(ranges) != hdf5_array.ndim: raise cherrypy.HTTPError("400 Ranges argument doesn't contain the correct number of dimensions.") ranges = [(max(dimension["begin"], range[0]), min(dimension["end"], range[1])) for dimension, range in zip(hdf5_array.dimensions, ranges)] index = tuple([slice(begin, end) for begin, end in ranges]) attribute_type = hdf5_array.attributes[attribute]["type"] data = hdf5_array.get_data(attribute)[index] if byteorder is None: return json.dumps(data.tolist()) else: if sys.byteorder != byteorder: return data.byteswap().tostring(order="C") else: return data.tostring(order="C")
[docs] def get_model_arrayset_metadata(mid, aid, **kwargs): cherrypy.log.error("GET arrayset metadata mid:%s aid:%s kwargs:%s" % (mid, aid, kwargs.keys())) database = slycat.web.server.database.couchdb.connect() model = database.get("model", mid) project = database.get("project", model["project"]) slycat.web.server.authentication.require_project_reader(project) artifact = model.get("artifact:%s" % aid, None) if artifact is None:" get_model_arrayset_metadata", "cherrypy.HTTPError 404 artifact is None for aid: %s" % aid) raise cherrypy.HTTPError(404) artifact_type = model["artifact-types"][aid] if artifact_type not in ["hdf5"]:" get_model_arrayset_metadata", "cherrypy.HTTPError 400 %s is not an array artifact." % aid) raise cherrypy.HTTPError("400 %s is not an array artifact." % aid) try: arrays = slycat.hyperchunks.parse(kwargs["arrays"]) if "arrays" in kwargs else None except:" get_model_arrayset_metadata", "cherrypy.HTTPError 400 not a valid hyperchunks specification.") raise cherrypy.HTTPError("400 Not a valid hyperchunks specification.") try: statistics = slycat.hyperchunks.parse(kwargs["statistics"]) if "statistics" in kwargs else None except:" get_model_arrayset_metadata", "cherrypy.HTTPError 400 not a valid hyperchunks specification.") raise cherrypy.HTTPError("400 Not a valid hyperchunks specification.") try: unique = slycat.hyperchunks.parse(kwargs["unique"]) if "unique" in kwargs else None except:" get_model_arrayset_metadata", "cherrypy.HTTPError 400 not a valid hyperchunks specification.") raise cherrypy.HTTPError("400 Not a valid hyperchunks specification.") cherrypy.log.error("GET arrayset metadata arrays:%s stats:%s unique:%s" % (arrays, statistics, unique)) results = slycat.web.server.get_model_arrayset_metadata(database, model, aid, arrays, statistics, unique) # cherrypy.log.error("looking for unique in results") if "unique" in results: # cherrypy.log.error("found unique in results: " ) cherrypy.log.error( '\n'.join(str(p) for p in results["unique"]) ) cherrypy.log.error("type:") cherrypy.log.error(str(type(results["unique"][0]['values'][0]))) for unique in results["unique"]: # Maybe due to caching, sometimes the result comes back as a 'list' if isinstance(results["unique"][0]['values'][0], list): unique["values"] = [list_of_values for list_of_values in unique["values"]] # Other times it's a 'numpy.ndarray' else: unique["values"] = [array.tolist() for array in unique["values"]] cherrypy.log.error("returning results") return results
[docs]def get_model_arrayset_data(mid, aid, hyperchunks, byteorder=None): cherrypy.log.error( "GET Model Arrayset Data: arrayset %s hyperchunks %s byteorder %s" % (aid, hyperchunks, byteorder)) try: hyperchunks = slycat.hyperchunks.parse(hyperchunks) except Exception as e:" get_model_arrayset_data", "cherrypy.HTTPError 400 not a valid hyperchunks specification.") raise cherrypy.HTTPError("400 Not a valid hyperchunks specification.%s%s" % (e, traceback.print_exc())) if byteorder is not None: if byteorder not in ["big", "little"]:" get_model_arrayset_data", "cherrypy.HTTPError 400 optional byteorder argument must be big or little.") raise cherrypy.HTTPError("400 optional byteorder argument must be big or little.") accept = cherrypy.lib.cptools.accept(["application/octet-stream"]) else: accept = cherrypy.lib.cptools.accept(["application/json"]) cherrypy.response.headers["content-type"] = accept database = slycat.web.server.database.couchdb.connect() model = database.get("model", mid) project = database.get("project", model["project"]) slycat.web.server.authentication.require_project_reader(project) artifact = model.get("artifact:%s" % aid, None) if artifact is None:" get_model_arrayset_data", "cherrypy.HTTPError 404") raise cherrypy.HTTPError(404) artifact_type = model["artifact-types"][aid] if artifact_type not in ["hdf5"]:" get_model_arrayset_data", "cherrypy.HTTPError 400 %s is not an array artifact." % aid) raise cherrypy.HTTPError("400 %s is not an array artifact." % aid) def mask_nans(array): """Convert an array containing nans into a masked array.""" try: return, array) except: return array def content(): if byteorder is None: yield json.dumps([mask_nans(hyperslice).tolist() for hyperslice in slycat.web.server.get_model_arrayset_data(database, model, aid, hyperchunks)]) else: for hyperslice in slycat.web.server.get_model_arrayset_data(database, model, aid, hyperchunks): if sys.byteorder != byteorder: yield hyperslice.byteswap().tostring(order="C") else: yield hyperslice.tostring(order="C") return content()
get_model_arrayset_data._cp_config = {"": True}
[docs] def post_model_arrayset_data(mid, aid): """ get the arrayset data based on aid, mid, byteorder, and hyperchunks requires hyperchunks to be included in the json payload :param mid: model id :param aid: artifact id :return: stream of data """ # try and grab hyperchunk hyperchunks = None byteorder = None require_json_parameter("hyperchunks") cherrypy.log.error("parsing post arrayset data") hyperchunks = cherrypy.request.json["hyperchunks"] try: byteorder = cherrypy.request.json["byteorder"] except Exception as e: byteorder = None cherrypy.log.error("no byteorder provided moving on") # parse the hyperchunks cherrypy.log.error( "GET Model Arrayset Data: arrayset %s hyperchunks %s byteorder %s" % (aid, hyperchunks, byteorder)) try: hyperchunks = slycat.hyperchunks.parse(hyperchunks) except:" get_model_arrayset_data", "cherrypy.HTTPError 400 not a valid hyperchunks specification.") raise cherrypy.HTTPError("400 Not a valid hyperchunks specification.") cherrypy.log.error("GET Model Arrayset Data: arrayset %s hyperchunks calculated" % (aid)) # if byteorder is not None: if byteorder not in ["big", "little"]:" get_model_arrayset_data", "cherrypy.HTTPError 400 optional byteorder argument must be big or little.") raise cherrypy.HTTPError("400 optional byteorder argument must be big or little.") accept = cherrypy.lib.cptools.accept(["application/octet-stream"]) else: accept = cherrypy.lib.cptools.accept(["application/json"]) cherrypy.response.headers["content-type"] = accept database = slycat.web.server.database.couchdb.connect() model = database.get("model", mid) project = database.get("project", model["project"]) slycat.web.server.authentication.require_project_reader(project) artifact = model.get("artifact:%s" % aid, None) if artifact is None:" get_model_arrayset_data", "cherrypy.HTTPError 404") raise cherrypy.HTTPError(404) artifact_type = model["artifact-types"][aid] if artifact_type not in ["hdf5"]:" get_model_arrayset_data", "cherrypy.HTTPError 400 %s is not an array artifact." % aid) raise cherrypy.HTTPError("400 %s is not an array artifact." % aid) def mask_nans(array): """Convert an array containing nans into a masked array.""" try: return, array) except: return array def content(): if "include_nans" in cherrypy.request.json: include_nans = cherrypy.request.json["include_nans"] if byteorder is None: yield json.dumps([mask_nans(hyperslice).tolist() for hyperslice in slycat.web.server.get_model_arrayset_data(database, model, aid, hyperchunks)]) else: for hyperslice in slycat.web.server.get_model_arrayset_data(database, model, aid, hyperchunks): if sys.byteorder != byteorder: yield hyperslice.byteswap().tostring(order="C") else: yield hyperslice.tostring(order="C") cherrypy.log.error("GET Model Arrayset Data: arrayset %s starting to get content" % (aid)) return content()
# TODO: streaming was turned off because this is now a post, in the future we may wan to turn this back on to increase speed # post_model_arrayset_data._cp_config = {"" : True}
[docs]def validate_table_rows(rows): try: rows = [spec.split("-") for spec in rows.split(",")] rows = [(int(spec[0]), int(spec[1]) if len(spec) == 2 else int(spec[0]) + 1) for spec in rows] rows = numpy.concatenate([numpy.arange(begin, end) for begin, end in rows]) return rows except:" validate_table_rows", "cherrypy.HTTPError 400 malformed rows argument must be a comma separated collection of row indices or half-open index ranges.") raise cherrypy.HTTPError( "400 Malformed rows argument must be a comma separated collection of row indices or half-open index ranges.") if numpy.any(rows < 0):" validate_table_rows", "cherrypy.HTTPError 400 row values must be non-negative.") raise cherrypy.HTTPError("400 Row values must be non-negative.") return rows
[docs]def validate_table_columns(columns): try: columns = [spec.split("-") for spec in columns.split(",")] columns = [(int(spec[0]), int(spec[1]) if len(spec) == 2 else int(spec[0]) + 1) for spec in columns] columns = numpy.concatenate([numpy.arange(begin, end) for begin, end in columns]) columns = columns[columns >= 0] return columns except:" validate_table_columns", "cherrypy.HTTPError 400 malformed columns argument must be a comma separated collection of column indices or half-open index ranges.") raise cherrypy.HTTPError( "400 Malformed columns argument must be a comma separated collection of column indices or half-open index ranges.") if numpy.any(columns < 0):" validate_table_columns", "cherrypy.HTTPError 400 column values must be non-negative.") raise cherrypy.HTTPError("400 Column values must be non-negative.") return columns
[docs]def validate_table_sort(sort): if sort is not None: try: sort = [spec.split(":") for spec in sort.split(",")] sort = [(column, order) for column, order in sort] except:" validate_table_sort", "cherrypy.HTTPError 400 malformed order argument must be a comma separated collection of column:order tuples.") raise cherrypy.HTTPError( "400 Malformed order argument must be a comma separated collection of column:order tuples.") try: sort = [(int(column), order) for column, order in sort] except:" validate_table_sort", "cherrypy.HTTPError 400 sort column must be an integer.") raise cherrypy.HTTPError("400 Sort column must be an integer.") for column, order in sort: if column < 0:" validate_table_sort", "cherrypy.HTTPError 400 sort column must be non-negative.") raise cherrypy.HTTPError("400 Sort column must be non-negative.") if order not in ["ascending", "descending"]:" validate_table_sort", "cherrypy.HTTPError 400 sort-order must be 'ascending' or 'descending'") raise cherrypy.HTTPError("400 Sort-order must be 'ascending' or 'descending'.") if len(sort) != 1:" validate_table_sort", "cherrypy.HTTPError 400 currently, only one column can be sorted.") raise cherrypy.HTTPError("400 Currently, only one column can be sorted.") return sort
[docs]def validate_table_byteorder(byteorder): if byteorder is not None: if byteorder not in ["little", "big"]:" validate_table_sort", "cherrypy.HTTPError 400 malformed byteorder argument must be 'little' or 'big'.") raise cherrypy.HTTPError("400 Malformed byteorder argument must be 'little' or 'big'.") accept = cherrypy.lib.cptools.accept(["application/octet-stream"]) else: accept = cherrypy.lib.cptools.accept(["application/json"]) cherrypy.response.headers["content-type"] = accept return byteorder
[docs]def get_table_sort_index(file, metadata, array_index, sort, index): sort_index = numpy.arange(metadata["row-count"]) if sort is not None: sort_column, sort_order = sort[0] if index is not None and sort_column == metadata["column-count"] - 1: pass # At this point, the sort index is already set from above else: index_key = "array/%s/index/%s" % (array_index, sort_column) if index_key not in file: # cherrypy.log.error("Caching array index for file %s array %s attribute %s" % (file.filename, array_index, sort_column)) sort_index = numpy.argsort(slycat.hdf5.ArraySet(file)[array_index].get_data(sort_column)[...], kind="mergesort") file[index_key] = sort_index else: # cherrypy.log.error("Loading cached sort index.") sort_index = file[index_key][...] if sort_order == "descending": sort_index = sort_index[::-1] return sort_index
[docs]def get_table_metadata(file, array_index, index): """Return table-oriented metadata for a 1D array, plus an optional index column.""" arrayset = slycat.hdf5.ArraySet(file) array = arrayset[array_index] if array.ndim != 1:" get_table_metadata", "cherrypy.HTTPError 400 not a table (1D array) artifact.") raise cherrypy.HTTPError("400 Not a table (1D array) artifact.") dimensions = array.dimensions attributes = array.attributes statistics = [array.get_statistics(attribute) for attribute in range(len(attributes))] metadata = { "row-count": dimensions[0]["end"] - dimensions[0]["begin"], "column-count": len(attributes), "column-names": [attribute["name"] for attribute in attributes], "column-types": [attribute["type"] for attribute in attributes], "column-min": [attribute["min"] for attribute in statistics], "column-max": [attribute["max"] for attribute in statistics] } if index is not None: metadata["column-count"] += 1 metadata["column-names"].append(index) metadata["column-types"].append("int64") metadata["column-min"].append(0) metadata["column-max"].append(metadata["row-count"] - 1) return metadata
[docs] def get_model_table_metadata(mid, aid, array, index=None): database = slycat.web.server.database.couchdb.connect() model = database.get("model", mid) project = database.get("project", model["project"]) slycat.web.server.authentication.require_project_reader(project) artifact = model.get("artifact:%s" % aid, None) if artifact is None:" get_model_table_metadata", "cherrypy.HTTPError 404 artifact is None for aid: %s" % aid) raise cherrypy.HTTPError(404) artifact_type = model["artifact-types"][aid] if artifact_type not in ["hdf5"]:" get_model_table_metadata", "cherrypy.HTTPError 400 %s is not an array artifact." % aid) raise cherrypy.HTTPError("400 %s is not an array artifact." % aid) with slycat.web.server.hdf5.lock: with, "r+") as file: # We have to open the file with writing enabled because the statistics cache may need to be updated. metadata = get_table_metadata(file, array, index) return metadata
[docs] def get_model_table_chunk(mid, aid, array, rows=None, columns=None, index=None, sort=None): rows = validate_table_rows(rows) columns = validate_table_columns(columns) sort = validate_table_sort(sort) database = slycat.web.server.database.couchdb.connect() model = database.get("model", mid) project = database.get("project", model["project"]) slycat.web.server.authentication.require_project_reader(project) artifact = model.get("artifact:%s" % aid, None) if artifact is None:" get_model_table_chunk", "cherrypy.HTTPError 404 artifact is None for aid: %s" % aid) raise cherrypy.HTTPError(404) artifact_type = model["artifact-types"][aid] if artifact_type not in ["hdf5"]:" get_model_table_chunk", "cherrypy.HTTPError 400 %s is not an array artifact." % aid) raise cherrypy.HTTPError("400 %s is not an array artifact." % aid) with slycat.web.server.hdf5.lock: with, mode="r+") as file: metadata = get_table_metadata(file, array, index) # Constrain end <= count along both dimensions rows = rows[rows < metadata["row-count"]] if numpy.any(columns >= metadata["column-count"]):" get_model_table_chunk", "cherrypy.HTTPError 400 column out-of-range.") raise cherrypy.HTTPError("400 Column out-of-range.") if sort is not None: for column, order in sort: if column >= metadata["column-count"]:" get_model_table_chunk", "400 sort column out-of-range.") raise cherrypy.HTTPError("400 Sort column out-of-range.") # Retrieve the data data = [] sort_index = get_table_sort_index(file, metadata, array, sort, index) slice = sort_index[rows] slice_index = numpy.argsort(slice, kind="mergesort") slice_reverse_index = numpy.argsort(slice_index, kind="mergesort") for column in columns: type = metadata["column-types"][column] if index is not None and column == metadata["column-count"] - 1: values = slice.tolist() else: values = slycat.hdf5.ArraySet(file)[array].get_data(column)[slice[slice_index].tolist()][ slice_reverse_index].tolist() if type in ["float32", "float64"]: values = [None if numpy.isnan(value) else value for value in values] data.append(values) result = { "rows": rows.tolist(), "columns": columns.tolist(), "column-names": [metadata["column-names"][column] for column in columns], "data": data, "sort": sort } return result
[docs]def get_model_table_sorted_indices(mid, aid, array, rows=None, index=None, sort=None, byteorder=None): rows = validate_table_rows(rows) sort = validate_table_sort(sort) byteorder = validate_table_byteorder(byteorder) database = slycat.web.server.database.couchdb.connect() model = database.get("model", mid) project = database.get("project", model["project"]) slycat.web.server.authentication.require_project_reader(project) artifact = model.get("artifact:%s" % aid, None) if artifact is None:" get_model_table_sorted_indices", "cherrypy.HTTPError 404 artifact is None for aid: %s" % aid) raise cherrypy.HTTPError(404) artifact_type = model["artifact-types"][aid] if artifact_type not in ["hdf5"]:" get_model_table_sorted_indices", "cherrypy.HTTPError 400 %s is not an array artifact." % aid) raise cherrypy.HTTPError("400 %s is not an array artifact." % aid) with slycat.web.server.hdf5.lock: with, mode="r+") as file: metadata = get_table_metadata(file, array, index) # Constrain end <= count along both dimensions rows = rows[rows < metadata["row-count"]] if sort is not None: for column, order in sort: if column >= metadata["column-count"]:" get_model_table_sorted_indices", "cherrypy.HTTPError 400 sort column out-of-range.") raise cherrypy.HTTPError("400 Sort column out-of-range.") # Retrieve the data ... sort_index = get_table_sort_index(file, metadata, array, sort, index) slice = numpy.argsort(sort_index, kind="mergesort")[rows].astype("int32") if byteorder is None: return json.dumps(slice.tolist()) else: if sys.byteorder != byteorder: return slice.byteswap().tostring(order="C") else: return slice.tostring(order="C")
[docs]def get_model_table_unsorted_indices(mid, aid, array, rows=None, index=None, sort=None, byteorder=None): rows = validate_table_rows(rows) sort = validate_table_sort(sort) byteorder = validate_table_byteorder(byteorder) database = slycat.web.server.database.couchdb.connect() model = database.get("model", mid) project = database.get("project", model["project"]) slycat.web.server.authentication.require_project_reader(project) artifact = model.get("artifact:%s" % aid, None) if artifact is None:" get_model_table_unsorted_indices", "cherrypy.HTTPError 404 artifact is None for aid: %s" % aid) raise cherrypy.HTTPError(404) artifact_type = model["artifact-types"][aid] if artifact_type not in ["hdf5"]:" get_model_table_unsorted_indices", "cherrypy.HTTPError 400 %s is not an array artifact." % aid) raise cherrypy.HTTPError("400 %s is not an array artifact." % aid) with slycat.web.server.hdf5.lock: with, mode="r+") as file: metadata = get_table_metadata(file, array, index) # Constrain end <= count along both dimensions rows = rows[rows < metadata["row-count"]] if sort is not None: for column, order in sort: if column >= metadata["column-count"]:" get_model_table_unsorted_indices", "cherrypy.HTTPError 400 sort column out-of-range.") raise cherrypy.HTTPError("400 Sort column out-of-range.") # Generate a database query sort_index = get_table_sort_index(file, metadata, array, sort, index) slice = sort_index[rows].astype("int32") if byteorder is None: return json.dumps(slice.tolist()) else: if sys.byteorder != byteorder: return slice.byteswap().tostring(order="C") else: return slice.tostring(order="C")
[docs]def get_model_file(mid, aid): database = slycat.web.server.database.couchdb.connect() model = database.get("model", mid) project = database.get("project", model["project"]) slycat.web.server.authentication.require_project_reader(project) artifact = model.get("artifact:%s" % aid, None) if artifact is None:" get_model_file", "cherrypy.HTTPError 404 artifact is None for aid: %s" % aid) raise cherrypy.HTTPError(404) artifact_type = model["artifact-types"][aid] if artifact_type != "file":" get_model_file", "cherrypy.HTTPError 400 %s is not a file artifact." % aid) raise cherrypy.HTTPError("400 %s is not a file artifact." % aid) fid = artifact cherrypy.response.headers["content-type"] = model["_attachments"][fid]["content_type"] return database.get_attachment(mid, fid)
[docs] def get_model_parameter(mid, aid): database = slycat.web.server.database.couchdb.connect() model = database.get("model", mid) project = database.get("project", model["project"]) slycat.web.server.authentication.require_project_reader(project) try: return slycat.web.server.get_model_parameter(database, model, aid) except KeyError as e:" get_model_parameter", "cherrypy.HTTPError 404 unknown artifact: %s" % aid) raise cherrypy.HTTPError("404 Unknown artifact: %s" % aid)
[docs]def get_bookmark(bid): accept = cherrypy.lib.cptools.accept(media=["application/json"]) database = slycat.web.server.database.couchdb.connect() bookmark = database.get("bookmark", bid) project = database.get("project", bookmark["project"]) slycat.web.server.authentication.require_project_reader(project) cherrypy.response.headers["content-type"] = accept return database.get_attachment(bookmark, "bookmark")
[docs] def get_user(uid): if uid == "-": uid = cherrypy.request.login user =["slycat-web-server"]["directory"](uid) if user is None:" get_user", "cherrypy.HTTPError 404 user is None for uid: %s" % uid) raise cherrypy.HTTPError(404) # Add the uid to the record, since the caller may not know it. user["uid"] = uid return user
[docs] def get_model_statistics(mid): """ returns statistics on the model :param mid: model ID :return json: { "mid":mid, "hdf5_file_size":hdf5_file_size, "total_server_data_size": total_server_data_size, "hdf5_store_size":total_hdf5_server_size, "model":model, "delta_creation_time":delta_creation_time, "couchdb_doc_size": sys.getsizeof(model) } """ database = slycat.web.server.database.couchdb.connect() try: model = database.get("model", mid) project = database.get("project", model["project"]) except: raise cherrypy.HTTPError("404 error: %s" % mid) slycat.web.server.authentication.require_project_reader(project) # amount of time it took to make the model delta_creation_time = ( datetime.datetime.strptime(model["finished"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f") - datetime.datetime.strptime( model["created"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")).total_seconds() if "job_running_time" in model and "job_submit_time" in model: delta_queue_time = ( datetime.datetime.strptime(model["job_running_time"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f") - datetime.datetime.strptime( model["job_submit_time"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")).total_seconds() else: delta_queue_time = 0 if "job_completed_time" in model and "job_running_time" in model: delta_running_time = ( datetime.datetime.strptime(model["job_completed_time"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f") - datetime.datetime.strptime( model["job_running_time"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")).total_seconds() delta_model_compute_time = ( datetime.datetime.strptime(model["finished"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f") - datetime.datetime.strptime( model["model_compute_time"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")).total_seconds() elif "job_completed_time" in model: delta_running_time = ( datetime.datetime.strptime(model["job_completed_time"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f") - datetime.datetime.strptime( model["finished"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")).total_seconds() delta_model_compute_time = 0 else: delta_running_time = 0 delta_model_compute_time = 0 # get hdf5 root dir hdf5_root_directory = cherrypy.tree.apps[""].config["slycat-web-server"]["data-store"] # get models hdf5 footprint hdf5_file_size = 0 for key, value in model["artifact-types"].iteritems(): if value == "hdf5": array = model["artifact:%s" % key] hdf5_file_path = os.path.join(hdf5_root_directory, array[0:2], array[2:4], array[4:6], array + ".hdf5") hdf5_file_size += os.path.getsize(hdf5_file_path) # calc total model server data footprint total_server_data_size = hdf5_file_size + sys.getsizeof(model) # get total hdf5 file store size for server total_hdf5_server_size = 0 for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(hdf5_root_directory): for f in filenames: fp = os.path.join(dirpath, f) total_hdf5_server_size += os.path.getsize(fp) try: server_cache_size = float(sys.getsizeof(cPickle.dumps(slycat.web.server.server_cache.cache))) / 1024.0 / 1024.0 except: server_cache_size = 0 return { "server_cache_size": server_cache_size, "mid": mid, "hdf5_file_size": float(hdf5_file_size) / 1024.0 / 1024.0, "total_server_data_size": float(total_server_data_size) / 1024.0 / 1024.0, "hdf5_store_size": float(total_hdf5_server_size) / 1024.0 / 1024.0, "model": model, "delta_creation_time": float(delta_creation_time) / 60, "couchdb_doc_size": sys.getsizeof(model) / 1024.0 / 1024.0, "hdf5_footprint": 100.0 * (float(hdf5_file_size) / float(total_hdf5_server_size)), "job_pending_time": float(delta_queue_time) / 60, "job_running_time": float(delta_running_time) / 60, "model_compute_time": float(delta_model_compute_time) / 60, "analysis_computation_time": 0.0 if "analysis_computation_time" not in model else float( model["analysis_computation_time"]), "db_creation_time": 0.0 if "db_creation_time" not in model else float(model["db_creation_time"]) }
[docs] def post_remotes(): """ Given username, hostname, password as a json payload establishes a session with the remote host and attaches it to the users session :return: {"sid":sid, "status":boolean, msg:""} """ username = cherrypy.request.json["username"] hostname = cherrypy.request.json["hostname"] password = cherrypy.request.json["password"] msg = "" agent = cherrypy.request.json.get("agent", None) sid = slycat.web.server.remote.create_session(hostname, username, password, agent) ''' save sid to user session the session will be stored as follows in the users session {sessions:[{{"sid": sid,"hostname": hostname, "username": username}},...]} ''' try: database = slycat.web.server.database.couchdb.connect() session = database.get("session", cherrypy.request.cookie["slycatauth"].value) hostname_not_found = True for i in xrange(len(session["sessions"])): if session["sessions"][i]["hostname"] == hostname: session["sessions"][i]["sid"] = sid session["sessions"][i]["username"] = username hostname_not_found = False if hostname_not_found: session["sessions"].append({"sid": sid, "hostname": hostname, "username": username}) except Exception as e: cherrypy.log.error("login could not save session for remotes %s" % e) msg = "login could not save session for remote host" return {"sid": sid, "status": True, "msg": msg}
[docs] def get_remotes(hostname): """ Returns {status: True} if the hostname was found in the user's session :param hostname: connection host name :return: {"status":status, "msg":msg} """ status = False msg = "hostname session not found" try: database = slycat.web.server.database.couchdb.connect() session = database.get("session", cherrypy.request.cookie["slycatauth"].value) for h_session in session["sessions"]: if h_session["hostname"] == hostname: if slycat.web.server.remote.check_session(h_session["sid"]): status = True msg = "hostname session was found" else: session["sessions"][:] = [tup for tup in session["sessions"] if tup["hostname"] != hostname] except Exception as e: cherrypy.log.error("status could not save session for remotes %s" % e) return {"status": status, "msg": msg}
[docs] def get_remote_show_user_password(): """ checks to see if the application needs to show password :return: json {show:bool, msg:msg} """ ssh = False slycat_pass = False msg = "unknown" if["slycat-web-server"]["remote-authentication"]["method"] == "password": ssh = True msg = "password auth required for remotes" if["slycat-web-server"]["authentication"]["plugin"] == "slycat-password-authentication": slycat_pass = True return {"ssh": ssh, "slycat": slycat_pass, "msg": msg}
[docs]def delete_remote(sid): slycat.web.server.remote.delete_session(sid) cherrypy.response.status = "204 Remote deleted."
[docs] def get_session_status(hostname): sid = get_sid(hostname) with slycat.web.server.remote.get_session(sid) as session: return "success"
[docs] def post_remote_launch(hostname): sid = get_sid(hostname) command = cherrypy.request.json["command"] with slycat.web.server.remote.get_session(sid) as session: return session.launch(command)
[docs] def post_submit_batch(hostname): sid = get_sid(hostname) filename = cherrypy.request.json["filename"] with slycat.web.server.remote.get_session(sid) as session: return session.submit_batch(filename)
[docs] def get_checkjob(hostname, jid): sid = get_sid(hostname) with slycat.web.server.remote.get_session(sid) as session: return session.checkjob(jid)
[docs] def delete_job(hostname, jid): sid = get_sid(hostname) with slycat.web.server.remote.get_session(sid) as session: return session.cancel_job(jid)
[docs] def get_job_output(hostname, jid, path): sid = get_sid(hostname) with slycat.web.server.remote.get_session(sid) as session: return session.get_job_output(jid, path)
[docs] def get_user_config(hostname): sid = get_sid(hostname) with slycat.web.server.remote.get_session(sid) as session: return session.get_user_config()
[docs] def job_time(nodes, tasks, size): """ gives the time in seconds recommended given job meta data :param nodes: number of hpc nodes for job :param tasks: number of tasks per node for job :param size: size of data file used in the job :return: json time in seconds as an integer {'time-seconds': 1800} """ if int(nodes) < 0 or int(tasks) < 0 or int(size) < 0: time = None else: time = int(1.8 * float(size)) / (float(nodes) * float(tasks)) + 900 return { 'time-seconds': time, 'nodes': nodes, 'tasks': tasks, 'size': size } # return an approximation based on size, nodes, and tasks for now
[docs] def set_user_config(hostname): # TODO add user config mapping sid = get_sid(hostname) config = cherrypy.request.json["config"] cherrypy.log.error("user_config %s" % config) with slycat.web.server.remote.get_session(sid) as session: return session.set_user_config(config)
[docs] def run_agent_function(hostname): sid = get_sid(hostname) wckey = cherrypy.request.json["wckey"] nnodes = cherrypy.request.json["nnodes"] partition = cherrypy.request.json["partition"] ntasks_per_node = cherrypy.request.json["ntasks_per_node"] # ntasks = cherrypy.request.json["ntasks"] # ncpu_per_task = cherrypy.request.json["ncpu_per_task"] time_hours = cherrypy.request.json["time_hours"] time_minutes = cherrypy.request.json["time_minutes"] time_seconds = cherrypy.request.json["time_seconds"] fn = cherrypy.request.json["fn"] fn_params = cherrypy.request.json["fn_params"] uid = cherrypy.request.json["uid"] with slycat.web.server.remote.get_session(sid) as session: return session.run_agent_function(wckey, nnodes, partition, ntasks_per_node, time_hours, time_minutes, time_seconds, fn, fn_params, uid)
[docs] def post_remote_command(hostname): """ run a remote command from the list of pre-registered commands that are located on a remote agent. :param hostname: name of the hpc host :return: { "message": a message that is supplied by the agent, "command": an echo of the command that was sent to the server and the agent, "error": boolean describing if there was an agent error, "available_scripts": [{ "name": script_name, "description": script_description, "parameters": [{ "name": parameter_name as string, "description": description of the param string, "example":example usage string, "type": field type eg string, int... }] }]list of available scripts from the agent } """ sid = get_sid(hostname) command = cherrypy.request.json["command"] with slycat.web.server.remote.get_session(sid) as session: return session.run_remote_command(command)
[docs] def get_remote_job_status(hostname, jid): sid = get_sid(hostname) with slycat.web.server.remote.get_session(sid) as session: return session.get_remote_job_status(jid)
[docs] def post_remote_browse(hostname, path): sid = get_sid(hostname) file_reject = re.compile( cherrypy.request.json.get("file-reject")) if "file-reject" in cherrypy.request.json else None file_allow = re.compile(cherrypy.request.json.get("file-allow")) if "file-allow" in cherrypy.request.json else None directory_reject = re.compile( cherrypy.request.json.get("directory-reject")) if "directory-reject" in cherrypy.request.json else None directory_allow = re.compile( cherrypy.request.json.get("directory-allow")) if "directory-allow" in cherrypy.request.json else None with slycat.web.server.remote.get_session(sid) as session: return session.browse(path, file_reject, file_allow, directory_reject, directory_allow)
[docs]def get_remote_file(hostname, path, **kwargs): """ Given a hostname and file path returns the file given by the path :param hostname: connection host name :param path: path to file :param kwargs: :return: file """ sid = get_sid(hostname) with slycat.web.server.remote.get_session(sid) as session: return session.get_file(path, **kwargs)
[docs]def get_remote_image(hostname, path, **kwargs): """ Given a hostname and image path returns the image given by the path :param hostname: connection host name :param path: path to image :param kwargs: :return: image """ sid = get_sid(hostname) with slycat.web.server.remote.get_session(sid) as session: return session.get_image(path, **kwargs)
#TODO: clean up everything
[docs] def get_time_series_names(hostname, path, **kwargs): """ Parse a time series csv for all column names :param hostname: connection host name :param path: path to csv file :param kwargs: :return: json object of column names """ sid = get_sid(hostname) with slycat.web.server.remote.get_session(sid) as session: csv = session.get_file(path, **kwargs) rows = [row.split(",") for row in str(csv).splitlines()] column_names = [name.strip() for name in rows[0]] def _isNumeric(j): """" Check if the input object is a numerical value, i.e. a float :param j: input object to check :return: boolean """ try: x = float(j) except ValueError: return False return True column_types = [] for item in rows[1]: if _isNumeric(item): column_types.append("numeric") else: column_types.append("string") rows = rows[1:] # removes first row (header) file_extensions = {".csv", ".dat", ".prn", "csv", "dat", "prn"} response_time_series_names = [] for i, val in enumerate(rows[0]): if column_types[i] is "string": file_ext = val[-3:] if file_ext in file_extensions: response_time_series_names.append(column_names[i]) if len(response_time_series_names) >= 1: return response_time_series_names else: raise cherrypy.HTTPError("400 could not detect timeseries names. There could be hidden characters in your csv")
[docs] def get_remote_video_status(hostname, vsid): """ Given a hostname and vsid returns the video status given by the vsid :param hostname: connection host name :param vsid: video uuid :return: json """ sid = get_sid(hostname) with slycat.web.server.remote.get_session(sid) as session: return session.get_video_status(vsid)
[docs]def get_remote_video(hostname, vsid): """ Given a hostname and vsid returns the video given by the vsid :param hostname: connection host name :param vsid: video uuid :return: video """ sid = get_sid(hostname) with slycat.web.server.remote.get_session(sid) as session: return session.get_video(vsid)
[docs]def post_events(event): # We don't actually have to do anything here, since the request is already logged. cherrypy.response.status = "204 Event logged."
[docs] def get_configuration_markings(): return [dict(marking.items() + [("type", key)]) for key, marking in slycat.web.server.plugin.manager.markings.items() if key in["slycat-web-server"]["allowed-markings"]]
[docs] def get_configuration_parsers(): return [{"type": key, "label": parser["label"], "categories": parser["categories"]} for key, parser in slycat.web.server.plugin.manager.parsers.items()]
[docs] def get_configuration_remote_hosts(): remote_hosts = [] for hostname, remote in["slycat-web-server"]["remote-hosts"].items(): agent = True if remote.get("agent", False) else False remote_hosts.append({"hostname": hostname, "agent": agent}) return remote_hosts
[docs] def get_configuration_support_email(): return["slycat-web-server"]["support-email"]
[docs] def get_configuration_injected_code(): return["slycat-web-server"].get("injected-code", "")
[docs] def get_configuration_ga_tracking_id(): return["slycat-web-server"].get("ga-tracking-id", "")
[docs] def get_configuration_version(): with get_configuration_version.lock: if not get_configuration_version.initialized: get_configuration_version.initialized = True try: get_configuration_version.commit = \ subprocess.Popen(["git", "rev-parse", "HEAD"], cwd=os.path.dirname(__file__), stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0].strip() except: pass return {"version": slycat.__version__, "commit": get_configuration_version.commit}
get_configuration_version.lock = threading.Lock() get_configuration_version.initialized = False get_configuration_version.commit = None
[docs] def get_configuration_wizards(): return [dict([("type", type)] + wizard.items()) for type, wizard in slycat.web.server.plugin.manager.wizards.items()]
[docs], force=True, secs=60 * 60 * 24 * 30) def get_global_resource(resource): if not get_global_resource._ready: with get_global_resource._lock: slycat.web.server.resource.manager.add_file("slycat-logo-navbar.png", "css/slycat-logo-navbar.png") get_global_resource._ready = True if resource in slycat.web.server.resource.manager.bundles: content_type, content = slycat.web.server.resource.manager.bundles[resource] cherrypy.response.headers["content-type"] = content_type return content if resource in slycat.web.server.resource.manager.files: return cherrypy.lib.static.serve_file(slycat.web.server.resource.manager.files[resource])" get_global_resource", "cherrypy.HTTPError 404 invalid resource: %s" % resource) raise cherrypy.HTTPError(404)
get_global_resource._lock = threading.Lock() get_global_resource._ready = False
[docs]def tests_request(*arguments, **keywords): cherrypy.log.error("Request: %s" % cherrypy.request.request_line) cherrypy.log.error(" Remote IP: %s" % cherrypy.request.remote.ip) cherrypy.log.error(" Remote Port: %s" % cherrypy.request.remote.port) cherrypy.log.error(" Remote Hostname: %s" % cherrypy.log.error(" Scheme: %s" % cherrypy.request.scheme) for key, value in sorted(cherrypy.request.headers.items()): cherrypy.log.error(" Header: %s=%s" % (key, value)) cherrypy.response.status = 200