
The slycat-login-controls AMD module registers a Knockout component of the same name. The slycat-login-controls component provides a standard GUI widget for selecting a username and password to complete a login.

Note: you don’t need to import the slycat-login-controls module using require() or define() - it registers the knockout component automatically at startup.

To use slycat-login-controls, create ko.observable() objects for each of the login parameters, including the username and password, and bind them to the page DOM:

var page =
  username: ko.observable("fred"),
  password: ko.observable(""),


Then, embed the slycat-login-controls component in your markup and bind your observables to the component parameters:

<p>Login to orbiting brain lasers:</p>
<slycat-login-controls params="
  username: username,
  password: password,

Now, changes to any of the input parameters automatically update the login controls, and user interaction with the login controls will update the username and password observables.

The full set of parameters supported by slycat-login-controls are as follows:

  • username, ko.observable(): String username to be entered by the user. If this parameter is null or empty, it will default to the last-used username.
  • password, ko.observable(): String password to be entered by the user.
  • status, ko.observable(): Optional string status message to be displayed under the controls.
  • status_type, ko.observable(): Optional string status type that controls the appearance of the status message. Must be one of “success”, “info”, “warning”, or “danger”.
  • enable, ko.observable(): Optional boolean value to enable / disable the controls.
  • focus, ko.observable(): Optional, used to focus the controls. Set to “username” to focus the username control, “password” to focus the password control, or true to automatically choose which control to focus. Because the caller may wish to focus the same control more than once in a row (for example: to refocus the password control after a failed login attempt), it is useful to configure the focus observable to always notify subscribers, even if its value doesn’t change, using focus.extend({notify: “always”}).
  • activate, function: Optional callback function that will be invoked if the user presses the “enter” key while using the login controls.

See Also

  • slycat-remote-controls - if you also need to prompt users for a hostname.
  • slycat-remotes - for a higher-level API that provides a modal login dialog, and can manage a pool of remote connections.