
The slycat-range-slider AMD module registers a Knockout component of the same name. The slycat-range-slider component provides a standard GUI widget for selecting a closed range of values from a continuous domain.

Note: you don’t need to import the slycat-range-slider module using require() or define() - it registers the slider component automatically at startup.

To use slycat-range-slider, create ko.observable() objects for each of the range slider parameters, including the output range values, and bind them to the page DOM:

var page =
  slider_length: 500,
  minimum_price: ko.observable(150),
  low_price: ko.observable(1000),
  high_price: ko.observable(5000),
  maximum_price: ko.observable(20000),


Then, embed the slycat-range-slider component in your markup and bind your observables to the component parameters:

<p>Filter results by price:</p>
<slycat-range-slider params="
  length: slider_length,
  min: minimum_price,
  low: low_price,
  high: high_price,
  domain: maximum_price,

Now, changes to any of the input parameters automatically update the slider, and user interaction with the slider will update the low and high observables.

The full set of parameters supported by slycat-range-slider are as follows:

  • axis, string: “vertical” or “horizontal” to create a slider with the given orientation. Default: “vertical”.
  • reverse, bool: If true, the orientation of the slider is reversed so that high and low values are swapped. Default: false.
  • length, ko.observable(): Length of the slider in pixels. Default: 500 pixels.
  • thumb_length, ko.observable(): Length of the slider thumb buttons in pixels. Default: 12 pixels.
  • dragging, ko.observable(): Set to true while the user is dragging a thumb button.
  • min, ko.observable(): Minimum allowed value. Default: 0.
  • low, ko.observable(): Currently-selected range low value. Default: 0.33.
  • high, ko.observable(): Currently-selected range high value. Default: 0.66.
  • max, ko.observable(): Maximum allowed value. Default: 1.