Source code for slycat.hyperchunks

# Copyright (c) 2013, 2018 National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC . Under the terms of Contract
# DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government
# retains certain rights in this software.

"""Functionality for working with hyperchunk specifications (collections of array/attribute/slice information)."""

import numbers
import numpy
import slycat.hyperchunks.grammar

[docs]def parse(string): """Parse a string hyperchunks representation. Parameters ---------- string: string representation of a hyperchunk. Returns ------- hyperchunks: parsed representation of a hyperchunk. """ return slycat.hyperchunks.grammar.Hyperchunks(slycat.hyperchunks.grammar.hyperchunks_p.parseString(string, parseAll=True).asList())
[docs]def arrays(hyperchunks, array_count): """Iterate over the arrays in a set of hyperchunks.""" class Attribute(object): def __init__(self, expression, hyperslices): self._expression = expression self._hyperslices = hyperslices @property def expression(self): return self._expression @property def hyperslice_count(self): return 0 if self._hyperslices is None else len(self._hyperslices) def hyperslices(self): """Iterate over the hyperslices in a hyperchunk.""" if self._hyperslices is not None: for hyperslice in self._hyperslices: yield tuple(hyperslice) class Array(object): def __init__(self, index, attributes, order, hyperslices): self._index = index self._attributes = attributes self._order = order self._hyperslices = hyperslices @property def index(self): return self._index @property def attribute_count(self): return 0 if self._attributes is None else len(self._attributes) @property def order(self): return self._order def attributes(self, attribute_count): """Iterate over the attributes in a hyperchunk.""" if self._attributes is not None: for attributes in self._attributes: if isinstance(attributes, (numbers.Integral, type(Ellipsis), slice)): if isinstance(attributes, numbers.Integral): if attributes < 0: attributes = slice(attribute_count + attributes, attribute_count + attributes + 1) else: attributes = slice(attributes, attributes + 1) elif isinstance(attributes, type(Ellipsis)): attributes = slice(0, attribute_count) start, stop, step = attributes.indices(attribute_count) for index in numpy.arange(start, stop, step): yield Attribute(slycat.hyperchunks.grammar.AttributeIndex(index), self._hyperslices) else: yield Attribute(attributes, self._hyperslices) for hyperchunk in hyperchunks: for arrays in hyperchunk.arrays: if isinstance(arrays, (numbers.Integral, type(Ellipsis), slice)): if isinstance(arrays, numbers.Integral): if arrays < 0: arrays = slice(array_count + arrays, array_count + arrays + 1) else: arrays = slice(arrays, arrays + 1) elif isinstance(arrays, type(Ellipsis)): arrays = slice(0, array_count) start, stop, step = arrays.indices(array_count) for index in numpy.arange(start, stop, step): yield Array(index, hyperchunk.attributes, hyperchunk.order, hyperchunk.hyperslices) else:"", "Unexpected array: %r" % arrays) raise ValueError("Unexpected array: %r" % arrays)
[docs]def tostring(value): """Convert hyperchunks to their string representation. """ if isinstance(value, slycat.hyperchunks.grammar.Arrays): return "|".join([tostring(array) for array in value]) if isinstance(value, slycat.hyperchunks.grammar.Attributes): return "|".join([tostring(array) for array in value]) if isinstance(value, slycat.hyperchunks.grammar.AttributeIndex): return "a%s" % value.index if isinstance(value, slycat.hyperchunks.grammar.BinaryOperator): return "(" + (" %s " % value.operator).join([tostring(operand) for operand in value.operands]) + ")" if isinstance(value, slycat.hyperchunks.grammar.FunctionCall): return "%s(%s)" % (, ", ".join([tostring(arg) for arg in value.args])) if isinstance(value, slycat.hyperchunks.grammar.Hyperchunk): sections = [] sections.append(tostring(value.arrays)) if value.attributes is not None: sections.append(tostring(value.attributes)) if value.order is not None: sections.append("order:" + tostring(value.order)) if value.hyperslices is not None: sections.append(tostring(value.hyperslices)) return "/".join(sections) if isinstance(value, slycat.hyperchunks.grammar.Hyperchunks): return ";".join([tostring(hyperchunk) for hyperchunk in value]) if isinstance(value, slycat.hyperchunks.grammar.Hyperslices): return "|".join([tostring(array) for array in value]) if isinstance(value, slycat.hyperchunks.grammar.Hyperslice): return ",".join([tostring(hyperslice) for hyperslice in value]) if isinstance(value, slycat.hyperchunks.grammar.List): return "[%s]" % ", ".join([tostring(item) for item in value.values]) if isinstance(value, int): return repr(value) if isinstance(value, float): return repr(value) if isinstance(value, basestring): return '"%s"' % value if isinstance(value, type(Ellipsis)): return "..." if isinstance(value, slice): return ("%s:%s" % ("" if value.start is None else value.start, "" if value.stop is None else value.stop)) + ("" if value.step is None else ":%s" % value.step)"", "Unknown value: %s" % value) raise ValueError("Unknown value: %s" % value)