Source code for slycat.web.client

# Copyright (c) 2013, 2018 National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC . Under the terms of Contract
# DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government
# retains certain rights in this software.

import argparse
import collections
import getpass
import json
import logging
import numbers
import numpy
import os
import requests
import requests.exceptions as exceptions
import shlex
import slycat.darray
import sys
import time
import base64
  import cStringIO as StringIO
  import StringIO

from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning

log = logging.getLogger("slycat.web.client")
log.handlers[0].setFormatter(logging.Formatter("%(levelname)s - %(message)s"))
log.propagate = False

def _require_array_ranges(ranges):
  """Validates a range object (hyperslice) for transmission to the server."""
  if ranges is None:
    return None
  elif isinstance(ranges, int):
    return [(0, ranges)]
  elif isinstance(ranges, tuple):
    return [ranges]
  elif isinstance(ranges, list):
    return ranges
  else:"", "Not a valid ranges object.")
    raise Exception("Not a valid ranges object.")

[docs]class ArgumentParser(argparse.ArgumentParser): """Return an instance of argparse.ArgumentParser, pre-configured with arguments to connect to a Slycat server.""" def __init__(self, *arguments, **keywords): argparse.ArgumentParser.__init__(self, *arguments, **keywords) self.add_argument("--host", default="https://localhost", help="Root URL of the Slycat server. Default: %(default)s") self.add_argument("--http-proxy", default="", help="HTTP proxy URL. Default: %(default)s") self.add_argument("--https-proxy", default="", help="HTTPS proxy URL. Default: %(default)s") self.add_argument("--list-markings", default=False, action="store_true", help="Display available marking types supported by the server.") self.add_argument("--log-level", default="info", choices=["debug", "info", "warning", "error", "critical"], help="Log level. Default: %(default)s") self.add_argument("--no-verify", default=False, action="store_true", help="Disable HTTPS host certificate verification.") self.add_argument("--password", default=None) self.add_argument("--user", default=getpass.getuser(), help="Slycat username. Default: %(default)s") self.add_argument("--verify", default=None, help="Specify a certificate to use for HTTPS host certificate verification.")
[docs] def parse_args(self): if "SLYCAT" in os.environ: sys.argv += shlex.split(os.environ["SLYCAT"]) arguments = argparse.ArgumentParser.parse_args(self) if arguments.list_markings: connection = connect(arguments) markings = connection.get_configuration_markings() type_width = numpy.max([len(marking["type"]) for marking in markings]) label_width = numpy.max([len(marking["label"]) for marking in markings]) print print "{:>{}} {:<{}}".format("Marking", type_width, "Description", label_width) print "{:>{}} {:<{}}".format("-" * type_width, type_width, "-" * label_width, label_width) for marking in markings: print "{:>{}} {:<{}}".format(marking["type"], type_width, marking["label"], label_width) print self.exit() if arguments.log_level == "debug": log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) elif arguments.log_level == "info": log.setLevel(logging.INFO) elif arguments.log_level == "warning": log.setLevel(logging.WARNING) elif arguments.log_level == "error": log.setLevel(logging.ERROR) elif arguments.log_level == "critical": log.setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) return arguments
[docs]class Connection(object): """Encapsulates a set of requests to the given host. Additional keyword arguments must be compatible with the Python Requests library,""" def __init__(self, host="http://localhost:8092", **keywords): proxies = keywords.get("proxies", {"http": "", "https": ""}) verify = True if keywords.get("verify") == "False": verify = False elif not keywords.get("verify"): verify = False data = {"user_name":base64.encodestring(keywords.get("auth", ("", ""))[0]), "password":base64.encodestring(keywords.get("auth", ("", ""))[1])} #"$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Requests Version ::::: " + requests.__version__) url = host + "/login" # print("url: %s" % url) = host self.keywords = keywords self.session = requests.Session(), json=data, proxies=proxies, verify=verify) if len(self.session.cookies.keys()) is 0 or None: raise NameError('bad username or password:%s, for username:%s' % (keywords.get("auth", ("", ""))[1], keywords.get("auth", ("", ""))[0]))
[docs] def request(self, method, path, **keywords): """Makes a request with the given HTTP method and path, returning the body of the response. Additional keyword arguments must be compatible with the Python Requests library,""" # Combine per-request and per-connection keyword arguments ... keywords.update(self.keywords) # Combine host and path to produce the final request URI ... uri = + path log_message = "{} {} {}".format(keywords.get("auth", ("", ""))[0], method, uri) try: response = self.session.request(method, uri, **keywords) log_message += " => {} {}".format(response.status_code, response.raw.reason) response.raise_for_status() body = None if response.headers["content-type"].startswith("application/json"): body = response.json() else: body = response.content log.debug(log_message) return body except: log.debug(log_message)" request", "%s" % log_message) raise
###########################################################################################################3 # Low-level functions that map directly to the underlying RESTful API
[docs] def delete_model(self, mid): """Delete an existing model. Parameters ---------- mid: string, required The unique model identifier. See Also -------- :http:delete:`/models/(mid)` """ self.request("DELETE", "/models/%s" % (mid))
[docs] def delete_project(self, pid): """Delete an existing project. Parameters ---------- pid: string, required The unique project identifier. See Also -------- :http:delete:`/projects/(pid)` """ self.request("DELETE", "/projects/%s" % (pid))
[docs] def delete_project_cache_object(self, pid, key): """Delete an existing project cache object. Parameters ---------- pid: string, required The unique project identifier. key: string, required Unique cache object key. See Also -------- :http:delete:`/projects/(pid)/cache/(key)` """ self.request("DELETE", "/projects/%s/cache/%s" % (pid, key))
[docs] def delete_reference(self, rid): """Delete an existing reference. Parameters ---------- rid: string, required The unique reference identifier. See Also -------- :http:delete:`/references/(rid)` """ self.request("DELETE", "/references/%s" % (rid))
[docs] def delete_remote(self, sid): """Delete an existing remote session. Parameters ---------- sid: string, required The unique remote session identifier. See Also -------- :http:delete:`/remotes/(sid)` """ self.request("DELETE", "/remotes/%s" % (sid))
[docs] def get_bookmark(self, bid): """Retrieve an existing bookmark. Parameters ---------- bid: string, required The unique bookmark identifier. Returns ------- bookmark: object The bookmark object, which is an arbitrary collection of JSON-compatible data. See Also -------- :http:get:`/bookmarks/(bid)` """ return self.request("GET", "/bookmarks/%s" % (bid))
[docs] def get_configuration_markings(self): """Retrieve marking information from the server. Returns ------- markings: server marking information. See Also -------- :http:get:`/configuration/markings` """ return self.request("GET", "/configuration/markings", headers={"accept":"application/json"})
[docs] def get_configuration_parsers(self): """Retrieve parser plugin information from the server. Returns ------- parsers: server parser plugin information. See Also -------- :http:get:`/configuration/parsers` """ return self.request("GET", "/configuration/parsers", headers={"accept":"application/json"})
[docs] def get_configuration_remote_hosts(self): """Retrieve remote host information from the server. Returns ------- parsers: server remote host information. See Also -------- :http:get:`/configuration/remote-hosts` """ return self.request("GET", "/configuration/remote-hosts", headers={"accept":"application/json"})
[docs] def get_configuration_support_email(self): """Retrieve support email information from the server. Returns ------- parsers: server support email information. See Also -------- :http:get:`/configuration/support-email` """ return self.request("GET", "/configuration/support-email", headers={"accept":"application/json"})
[docs] def get_configuration_version(self): """Retrieve version information from the server. Returns ------- version: server version information. See Also -------- :http:get:`/configuration/version` """ return self.request("GET", "/configuration/version", headers={"accept":"application/json"})
[docs] def get_configuration_wizards(self): """Retrieve wizard plugin information from the server. Returns ------- version: server wizard plugin information. See Also -------- :http:get:`/configuration/wizards` """ return self.request("GET", "/configuration/wizards", headers={"accept":"application/json"})
[docs] def get_global_resource(self, resource): return self.request("GET", "/resources/global/%s" % resource)
[docs] def get_model_resource(self, mtype, resource): return self.request("GET", "/resources/pages/%s/%s" % (mtype, resource))
[docs] def get_wizard_resource(self, wtype, resource): return self.request("GET", "/resources/wizards/%s/%s" % (wtype, resource))
[docs] def get_model(self, mid): """Retrieve an existing model. Parameters ---------- mid: string, required The unique model identifier Returns ------- model: object The model object, which is an arbitrary collection of JSON-compatible data. See Also -------- :http:get:`/models/(mid)` """ return self.request("GET", "/models/%s" % mid, headers={"accept":"application/json"})
[docs] def get_model_arrayset_metadata(self, mid, aid, arrays=None, statistics=None, unique=None): """Retrieve metadata describing an existing model arrayset artifact. Parameters ---------- mid: string, required The unique model identifier. aid: string, required The unique artifact identifier. arrays: string, optional A set of arrays, specified using HQL. statistics: string, optional A set of attributes, specified using HQL. unique: string, optional A set of attributes, specified using HQL. Returns ------- metadata: object The arrayset metadata, which is an arbitrary collection of JSON-compatible data. See Also -------- :http:get:`/models/(mid)/arraysets/(aid)/metadata` """ params = dict() if arrays is not None: params["arrays"] = arrays if statistics is not None: params["statistics"] = statistics if unique is not None: params["unique"] = unique return self.request("GET", "/models/%s/arraysets/%s/metadata" % (mid, aid), params=params, headers={"accept":"application/json"})
[docs] def get_model_file(self, mid, aid): return self.request("GET", "/models/%s/files/%s" % (mid, aid))
[docs] def get_model_parameter(self, mid, aid): """Retrieve a model parameter artifact. Model parameters are JSON objects of arbitrary complexity. They are stored directly within the model as part of its database record, so they should be limited in size (larger data should be stored using arraysets or files). Parameters ---------- mid: string, required Unique model identifier. aid: string, required Unique (within the model) artifact id. Returns ------- parameter: JSON-compatible object See Also -------- :http:put:`/models/(mid)/parameters/(aid)` """ return self.request("GET", "/models/%s/parameters/%s" % (mid, aid), headers={"accept":"application/json"})
[docs] def get_project_models(self, pid): """Returns every model in a project.""" return self.request("GET", "/projects/%s/models" % pid, headers={"accept":"application/json"})
[docs] def get_project_references(self, pid): """Returns every reference in a project.""" return self.request("GET", "/projects/%s/references" % pid, headers={"accept":"application/json"})
[docs] def get_project(self, pid): """Retrieve an existing project. Parameters ---------- pid: string, required Unique project identifier. Returns ------- project: Arbitrary collection of JSON-compatible data. See Also -------- :http:get:`/projects/(pid)` """ return self.request("GET", "/projects/%s" % pid, headers={"accept":"application/json"})
[docs] def get_project_cache_object(self, pid, key): """Retrieve an object from a project cache. Parameters ---------- pid: string, required Unique project identifier. key: string, required Cache object identifier. Returns ------- content: Cached object content. See Also -------- :http:get:`/projects/(pid)/cache/(key)` """ return self.request("GET", "/projects/%s/cache/%s" % (pid, key))
[docs] def get_projects(self): """Retrieve all projects. Returns ------- projects: List of projects. Each project is an arbitrary collection of JSON-compatible data. See Also -------- :http:get:`/projects` """ return self.request("GET", "/projects_list", headers={"accept":"application/json"})
[docs] def get_remote_file(self, sid, path, cache=None, project=None, key=None): """Retrieve a file using a remote session. Parameters ---------- sid: string, required Unique remote session identifier. path: string, required Remote filesystem path (must be absolute). cache: string, optional Optional server-side cache for the retrieved file. Must be `None` or "project". project: string, optional If `cache` is set to "project", this must specify a unique project identifier. key: string, optional if `cache` is set to "project", this must specify a unique key for the cached object. Returns ------- file: Remote file contents. See Also -------- :http:get:`/remotes/(sid)/file(path)` """ return self.request("GET", "/remotes/%s/file%s" % (sid, path), params={"cache": cache, "project": project, "key": key})
[docs] def get_remote_image(self, sid, path, cache=None, project=None, key=None): """Retrieve an image using a remote session. Parameters ---------- sid: string, required Unique remote session identifier. path: string, required Remote filesystem path (must be absolute). cache: string, optional Optional server-side cache for the retrieved image. Must be `None` or "project". project: string, optional If `cache` is set to "project", this must specify a unique project identifier. key: string, optional if `cache` is set to "project", this must specify a unique key for the cached object. Returns ------- image: Remote image contents. See Also -------- :http:get:`/remotes/(sid)/image(path)` """ return self.request("GET", "/remotes/%s/image%s" % (sid, path), params={"cache": cache, "project": project, "key": key})
[docs] def get_user(self, uid=None): """Retrieve directory information about an existing user. Parameters ---------- uid: string, optional Unique user identifier. If unspecified, returns information about the user making the call. Returns ------- user: Arbitrary collection of JSON-compatible data. See Also -------- :http:get:`/users/(uid)` """ return self.request("GET", "/users/%s" % ("-" if uid is None else uid), headers={"accept":"application/json"})
[docs] def post_events(self, path, parameters={}): self.request("POST", "/events/%s" % path, params=parameters)
[docs] def post_model_files(self, mid, aids, files, parser, input=True, parameters={}): """Stores a model file artifacts.""" data = parameters data.update({ "input": json.dumps(input), "aids": aids, "parser": parser }) files = [("files", ("blob", file)) for file in files] self.request("POST", "/models/%s/files" % mid, data=data, files=files)
[docs] def post_model_finish(self, mid): """Notify the server that a model is fully initialized. When called, the server will perform one-time computation for the given model type. Parameters ---------- mid: string, required Unique model identifier. See Also -------- :http:post:`/models/(mid)/finish` """ self.request("POST", "/models/%s/finish" % (mid))
[docs] def post_project_bookmarks(self, pid, bookmark): """Store a bookmark. Parameters ---------- pid: string, required Unique project identifier. bookmark: object Arbitrary collection of JSON-compatible data. Returns ------- bid: string Unique bookmark identifier. See Also -------- :http:post:`/projects/(pid)/bookmarks` """ return self.request("POST", "/projects/%s/bookmarks" % (pid), headers={"content-type":"application/json"}, data=json.dumps(bookmark))["id"]
[docs] def post_project_models(self, pid, mtype, name, marking="", description=""): """Creates a new model, returning the model ID.""" return self.request("POST", "/projects/%s/models" % (pid), headers={"content-type":"application/json"}, data=json.dumps({"model-type":mtype, "name":name, "marking":marking, "description":description}))["id"]
[docs] def post_project_references(self, pid, name, mtype=None, mid=None, bid=None): """Store a project reference. Parameters ---------- pid: string, required Unique project identifier. name: string, required Reference name. mtype: string, optional Optional model type. mid: string, optional Optional model identifier. bid: string, optional Optional bookmark identifier. Returns ------- rid: string Unique reference identifier. See Also -------- :http:post:`/projects/(pid)/references` """ return self.request("POST", "/projects/%s/references" % (pid), headers={"content-type":"application/json"}, data=json.dumps({"name":name, "model-type":mtype, "mid":mid, "bid":bid}))["id"]
[docs] def post_projects(self, name, description=""): """Creates a new project, returning the project ID.""" return self.request("POST", "/projects", headers={"content-type":"application/json"}, data=json.dumps({"name":name, "description":description}))["id"]
[docs] def post_remotes(self, hostname, username, password, agent=None): return self.request("POST", "/remotes", headers={"content-type":"application/json"}, data=json.dumps({"hostname":hostname, "username":username, "password":password, "agent": agent}))["sid"]
[docs] def post_remote_browse(self, sid, path, file_reject=None, file_allow=None, directory_allow=None, directory_reject=None): body = {} if file_reject is not None: body["file-reject"] = file_reject if file_allow is not None: body["file-allow"] = file_allow if directory_reject is not None: body["directory-reject"] = directory_reject if directory_allow is not None: body["directory-allow"] = directory_allow return self.request("POST", "/remotes/" + sid + "/browse" + path, headers={"content-type":"application/json"}, data=json.dumps(body))
[docs] def put_model(self, mid, model): self.request("PUT", "/models/%s" % (mid), headers={"content-type":"application/json"}, data=json.dumps(model))
[docs] def put_model_arrayset_data(self, mid, aid, hyperchunks, data, force_json=False): """Write data to an arrayset artifact on the server. Parameters ---------- mid: string, required Unique model identifier. aid: string, required Unique (to the model) arrayset artifact id. hyperchunks: string, required Specifies where the data will be stored, in :ref:`Hyperchunks` format. data: iterable, required) A collection of numpy.ndarray data chunks to be uploaded. The number of data chunks must match the number implied by the `hyperchunks` parameter. force_json: bool, optional) Force the client to upload data using JSON instead of the binary format. See Also -------- :http:put:`/models/(mid)/arraysets/(aid)/data` """ # Sanity check arguments if not isinstance(mid, basestring):" put_model_arrayset_data", "Model id must be a string") raise ValueError("Model id must be a string.") if not isinstance(aid, basestring):" put_model_arrayset_data", "Artifact id must be a string") raise ValueError("Artifact id must be a string.") if not isinstance(hyperchunks, basestring):" put_model_arrayset_data", "Hyperchunks specification must be a string.") raise ValueError("Hyperchunks specification must be a string.") for chunk in data: if not isinstance(chunk, numpy.ndarray):" put_model_arrayset_data", "Data chunk must be a numpy array.") raise ValueError("Data chunk must be a numpy array.") # Mark whether every data chunk is numeric ... if so, we can send the data in binary form. use_binary = numpy.all([chunk.dtype.char != "S" for chunk in data]) and not force_json # Build-up the request request_data = {} request_data["hyperchunks"] = hyperchunks if use_binary: request_data["byteorder"] = sys.byteorder request_buffer = StringIO.StringIO() if use_binary: for chunk in data: request_buffer.write(chunk.tostring(order="C")) else: request_buffer.write(json.dumps([chunk.tolist() for chunk in data])) # Send the request to the server ... self.request("PUT", "/models/%s/arraysets/%s/data" % (mid, aid), data=request_data, files={"data":request_buffer.getvalue()})
[docs] def put_model_arrayset_array(self, mid, aid, array, dimensions, attributes): """Starts a new array set array, ready to receive data.""" stub = slycat.darray.Stub(dimensions, attributes) self.request("PUT", "/models/%s/arraysets/%s/arrays/%s" % (mid, aid, array), headers={"content-type":"application/json"}, data=json.dumps({"dimensions":stub.dimensions, "attributes":stub.attributes}))
[docs] def put_model_arrayset(self, mid, aid, input=True): """Starts a new model array set artifact, ready to receive data.""" self.request("PUT", "/models/%s/arraysets/%s" % (mid, aid), headers={"content-type":"application/json"}, data=json.dumps({"input":input}))
[docs] def put_model_inputs(self, source, target): self.request("PUT", "/models/%s/inputs" % (target), headers={"content-type":"application/json"}, data=json.dumps({"sid":source}))
[docs] def put_model_parameter(self, mid, aid, value, input=True): """Store a model parameter artifact. Model parameters are JSON objects of arbitrary complexity. They are stored directly within the model as part of its database record, so they should be limited in size (larger data should be stored using arraysets or files). To get the value of a parameter artifact, use :func:`get_model` and read the value directly from the model record. An artifact id `foo` will be accessible in the record as `model["artifact:foo"]`. Parameters ---------- mid: string, required Unique model identifier. aid: string, required Unique (within the model) artifact id. value: object, required An arbitrary collection of JSON-compatible data. input: boolean, optional Marks whether this artifact is a model input. See Also -------- :http:put:`/models/(mid)/parameters/(aid)` """ self.request("PUT", "/models/%s/parameters/%s" % (mid, aid), headers={"content-type":"application/json"}, data=json.dumps({"value":value, "input":input}))
[docs] def put_project(self, pid, project): """Modifies a project.""" return self.request("PUT", "/projects/%s" % pid, headers={"content-type":"application/json"}, data=json.dumps(project))
########################################################################################################### # Convenience functions that layer additional functionality atop the RESTful API
[docs] def find_project(self, name): """Return a project identified by name. Parameters ---------- name: string, required The name of the project to return. Returns ------- project: The matching project, which is an arbitrary collection of JSON-compatible data. Raises ------ Exception If a project with a matching name can't be found, or more than one project matches the name. See Also -------- :func:`find_or_create_project`, :func:`get_projects` """ projects = [project for project in self.get_projects()["projects"] if project["name"] == name] if len(projects) > 1:" find_project", "More than one project matched the given name.") raise Exception("More than one project matched the given name.") elif len(projects) == 1: return projects[0] else:" find_project", "No project matched the given name.") raise Exception("No project matched the given name.")
[docs] def find_or_create_project(self, name, description=""): """Return a project identified by name, or newly created. Parameters ---------- name: string, required The name of the project to return (or create). description: string, optional Description to use for the new project (if a new project is created). Returns ------- pid: string Unique identifier of the matching (or newly created) project. Raises ------ Exception If more than one project matches the given name. See Also -------- :func:`post_projects` """ projects = [project for project in self.get_projects()["projects"] if project["name"] == name] if len(projects) > 1:" find_or_create_project", "More than one project matched the given name. Try using a different project name instead.") raise Exception("More than one project matched the given name. Try using a different project name instead.") elif len(projects) == 1: return projects[0]["_id"] else: return self.post_projects(name, description)
[docs] def update_model(self, mid, **kwargs): """Update model state. This function provides a more convenient alternative to :func:`put_model`. See Also -------- :func:`put_model` """ model = {key: value for key, value in kwargs.items() if value is not None} self.put_model(mid, model)
[docs] def join_model(self, mid): """Wait for a model to complete before returning. A Slycat model goes through several distinct phases over its lifetime: 1. The model is created. 2. Input artifacts are pushed into the model. 3. The model is marked "finished". 4. Optional one-time computation is performed on the server, storing output artifacts. 5. The model is complete and ready to be viewed. Use this function in scripts that have performed steps 1, 2, and 3 and need to wait until step 4 completes. Parameters ---------- mid: string, required Unique model identifier. Notes ----- A model that hasn't been finished will never complete - you should ensure that post_model_finish() is called successfully before calling join_model(). See Also -------- :func:`post_model_finish` """ while True: model = self.request("GET", "/models/%s" % (mid), headers={"accept":"application/json"}) if "state" in model and model["state"] not in ["waiting", "running"]: return time.sleep(1.0)
[docs]def connect(arguments, **keywords): """Factory function for client connections that takes an option parser as input.""" if arguments.no_verify: keywords["verify"] = False elif arguments.verify is not None: keywords["verify"] = arguments.verify return Connection(auth=(arguments.user, arguments.password if arguments.password is not None else getpass.getpass("%s password: " % arguments.user)),, proxies={"http":arguments.http_proxy, "https":arguments.https_proxy}, **keywords)