Adding Text NoteIconΒΆ

To add text, click the note icon NoteIcon on the right end of the controls. A text window will popup. The intent was to provide two types of annotation: notes and titles. The icon in the upper left toggles between BigText and LittleText to switch between text sizes, as shown in Figures 47A and 47B. The BigText icon increases the text size to generate a title. The LittleText icon decreases the text size back to a font more suitable for notes. The text window can be closed and resized using the Close and Resize icons, respectively. The icons are only visible when the mouse is in the window. Figure 48 provides an example showing both types of annotation. Notes in combination with bookmarks can be used to draw the attention of project members to discoveries or generate explanatory visualizations that can be self-contained.


Figure 47A: Text window for adding notes.


Figure 47B: Text window for adding titles.


Figure 48: Example of adding text as both a title and a note.